CMPS 3140 Theory of Computation (3 units)
An introduction to computability theory to include
finite automata, push-down automata, formal grammars,
Turing machines, decidability, intractability and NP-completeness.
CMPS 3120.
Algorithm analysis.
Big-oh notation.
3 semester units. 2 units lecture, 1 unit lab.
Elective for CS.
Introduction to the Theory of Computation (1st edition)
by Michael Sipser
Donna Meyers
This course covers the following ACM/IEEE Body of Knowledge student learning
CC-AL: Algorithms and Complexity
CE-PL: Programming Languages
The course maps to the following program/student outcomes for
Computer Science (CAC/ABET) and Computer Engineering (EAC/ABET):
(CAC PIb1): Identify key components and algorithms necessary for a solution.
Assessed by final exam.
Introduction to automata, computability, and complexity
week 01 |
Automata and languages |
week 02 |
Regular languages |
week 03 |
Finite automata |
week 04 |
Context-free languages |
week 05 |
Push-down automata |
week 06 |
Church-Turing thesis |
week 07 |
Decidability & reducibility
week 08 |
Time complexity |
week 09 |
NP-completeness |
week 10 |
Space complexity
week 11 |
Intractability |
week 12 |
Circuit complexity |
week 13 |
Parallel computation |
week 14 |
Cryptography |
week 15 |
A 93%
A- 90%
10 HW/Labs...15% B+ 87%
2 Midterms...60% B 83%
Final Exam...25% B- 80%
C+ 77%
C 70%
C- 65%
D+ 60%
D 50%
D- 40%
F below 40%
Algorithms and Complexity: 3 Credit Hours
Donna Meyers, June 2014.
Approved by CEE/CS Department, June 2014.
Effective Fall 2013