CMPS 2680 Web Programming I
Catalog Description
CMPS 2680 Web Programming I (3 units)
An introduction to webpage layout and design with HTML and CSS and client-side web programming with Javascript. Students will design and create a webpage using technologies covered in the course. Prerequisite: None.
Units and Contact Hours
3 semester units. 3 units lecture.
Required for Computer Information Systems. Elective for Computer Science.
Required Textbook
None. All material is online.
Recommended Textbook and Other Supplemental Materials
Donna Meyers
Student Learning Outcomes
This course covers the following student learning outcomes:

Basic web design using HTML and CSS.
An introduction to programming using Javascript.
The ability to design and create a webpage.

Lecture Topics and Rough Schedule
week 01 Webpage Basics
week 02 Introduction to HTML
week 03 Introduction to CSS
week 04 The CSS Box Model
week 05 Introduction to CSS Layouts
week 06 Managing Images
week 07 Introduction to Javascript Document Object Model
week 08 Javascript Variables and Assignment Statments
week 09 Conditional Control Statements: IF and ELSE
week 10 Loop Control Statements: FOR and WHILE
week 11 Manipulating Arrays
week 12 Functions and Function Calls
week 13 Mathematical Operations
week 14 Event-driven Programming
week 15 Form Elements

Grading Policy
                                 A   93%
                                  A-  90%
    10 HW/Labs......20%           B+  87%
     1 Midterm......40%           B   83%
    Final Project...40%           B-  80%
                                  C+  77%
                                  C   70%
                                  C-  65%
                                  D+  60%
                                  D   50%
                                  D-  40%
                                  F  below 40% 
Prepared By
Donna Meyers on June, 2014
Approved by CEE/CS Department on June, 2014.
Effective Fall 2014