Step 1: Select 'n' number of measurements to be the centroids (random) Example: [Gender, Age] Gender is Cluster 0 Age is Cluster 1 Step 2: Use the remaining 'n - 126' measurements and group each individual with the random centriod that its more correlated with Example: BMI has a higher correaltion with Age => Group with Age (CLUSTER 1) Step 3: For each cluster, find the best centriods Example: Gender => [Clsuter 0] Gender Height Stride Length If Gender was centriod for cluster 0, its correlation with Height, and Stride Length = 1.022 If Height was centriod for cluster 0, its correlation with Gender, and Stride Length = 0.944 If Stride Length was centriod for cluster 0, its correlation with Height, and Gender = 1.0005 Gender has a higher total correaltion => its the best cnetriod Repeat for every other cluster Step 4: With the new centriods, repeat step 1 - 4 until the centriods don't change Example: Best Centriod for cluster 0 was Gender and best centriod for cluster 1 is BMI Repeat steps until these centriods stay the same