Chengwei LEI, Ph.D.    Assistant Professor

Department of Computer & Electrical Engineering/Computer Science
California State University, Bakersfield

CMPS 4910 Senior Project I


1PM section


Team members and Projects

Team # Code Name Members Project Name
1 Lighthouse  Hernadez, Edwin Classroom Information Delivery Application based on Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons and Kotlin Mobile Apps
Ekpo, Eddie
Kalar, Nicholas
2 TRAILES Porter, David Trip Registration And Innovative Limited-space Event Scheduling
Raines, Avery
3 Inner Ellipse  Cisneros, Ivan 3D Tracking Simulation of Orbiting Satellites
Peters, Doney
Hubbard, Joey
Hin, Thang
4 404! Aleman, Cesar Campus Data For Location Based AR
Austin, Spencer
Burt, Andrew
Ortiz, Rodrigo
5 Team Rocket Kaiser, Zachary Interative Multi-level CSUB Campus Navigation
Liu, Guangjin
Jimenez, Heriberto
McDaniel, Cameron
6 Amateurs  Felix, D'Angelo Typing teaching system for beginner coder in elemntary
Zamora, Andres
Chavez, Joshua
Orozco, Juan
7 CSUB-a-bee  Ulloa, Francisco Musical Recommendations Based on Personal Preferences
Vargas, Anahi
Simons, Gracelove
Gutierrez, Bryan
8 CS1920 Alqahtani, Fahad Application to Facilitate patient and Caregiver communication
Nafjan, Moath
Alsabr, Rayan
Team # Code Name Members Project Name

Class Schedule

Please be present in class when it is NOT your team's week to present, as feedback from class participants is part of the project development process.

Week 1 8/29 Class Overview and Begin Team Selections
Week 2 9/5 Finalize Team Selections and Begin Problem Selection
Week 3 9/12 Discuss the Topics Details and Finalize the Topic for Each Team
Week 4 9/19 Project Proposal Paper due from All Teams <--******---
Week 5 9/26 Presentations on Project Proposal (Order-Gourp #: 6,3,4,5,7,2,8,1)
Week 6 10/3 Personal Statement, Appendix A, Appendix B due
Week 7 10/10 Demonstrations on Project Required Resources & Development Environment (Order-Gourp #: 3,6,4,1,8,5,2,7)
Week 8 10/17 Demonstrations on Project Required Resources & Development Environment
Week 9 10/24 Individual Code Diary due <-------******--------
Week 10 10/31 Presentations on Project Progress Report Presentation (Order-Gourp #: 8,5,6,2)
Week 11 11/7 Presentations on Project Progress Report Presentation (Order-Gourp #: 1,4,7,3)
Week 12 11/14 Updated Individual Code Diary due <-----******---
Week 13 11/21 First-half End of Term Status Presentations (Order-Gourp #: 6,3,8,4)
Week 14 11/28 No Class - Holiday (Thanksgiving Break)
Week 15 12/5 Second-half End of Term Status Presentations (Order-Gourp #: 5,2,7,1)
Week 15 12/5 Project Intermediate Report, Completed Individual Code Diary, End of Term Group Statement due from All Teams<-----******-----