The purpose of this assignment is to declare, call, and define function definitions for a menu based program that will mulitpy, divide, power of, validate, and find the minimum of three integers.
Welcome to the CS2010 Homework 6 Menu ===================================== 1. Multiply two integers 2. Divide two integers 3. Power of base and exponent 4. Check if a number is within the range 10-20 5. Find the minimum of a list of 3 numbers 0. Exit ===================================== Enter selection:
From within each case statement, there will be a void function that gets the input from the user and stores the input into the referenced variables, and a second function that takes the input as parameters, does the task and will return the result. Use #defined constants for the switch statment's cases.
do{ printMenu(); cin >> choice; switch(choice) { case MULTIPLY: get_input(a, b); cout << "The result is " << multiply(a, b) << endl; break; case DIVIDE: get_input(a, b); cout << "The result is " << division(a, b) << endl; break; case POWER: get_input(a,b); cout << "The result is " << power(a, b) << endl; break; case IN_RANGE: get_input(a); if(do_check(a)) cout << a << "is within range" << endl; else cout << a << "is not within range" << endl; break; case FIND_MIN: get_input(a,b,c); cout << "The min is" << find_min(a,b,c)<< endl; break; case EXIT: break; default: cout << "Invalid Option" << endl; break; } }while(choice!=EXIT);You should have at least the following 9 functions in your final code. More functions are fine if you wish to break each menu item task into subtasks.