The purpose of this assignment is to declare, traverse, and process cstrings by testing whether a cstring is a palindrome. In addition, this homework will contain character testing and character conversion and fileIO.
The given source code contains pseudocode for this assignment. Copy the source code and hw8_input.txt
**PROGRAM EXECUTION** -------------------------------------------------- Enter input file name: nothing.txt [ENTERED] Opening nothing.txt ... ERROR Unable to open file: nothing.txt Would you like to try again? (yes/no) yes [ENTERED] Enter input file name: hw8_input.txt [ENTERED] Opening hw8_input.txt ... DONE. Opening hw8_input.txt.eval ... DONE. Processing hw8_input.txt ... DONE. Generated hw8_input.txt.eval Closing program. --------------------------------------------------
**hw8_input.txt.eval** -------------------------------------------------- racecar --- Palindrome madam --- Palindrome kayak --- Palindrome peep --- Palindrome c++ abc_cba 12321 testfail -------------------------------------------------- 8 words were read hw8_input.txt contained 4 palindromes --------------------------------------------------