The purpose of this lab is to practice the concept of parallel arrays,
two-dimensional arrays, and passing arrays as function arguments. In this
lab you will be writing a 'teacher aid' program that will prompt the user
for how many students and amount of tests per student. Then traverse both
arrays procedurally in main; for each user, prompt the user for the
student id, and then for each test score of the student. Finally, output
each student's id, corresponding test scores, and the calculated
average of test scores up to one decimal point.
If the number of tests was greater than one.
don't include the lowest test score for this calculation.
Please enter how many students: -1 Please enter how many students: 33 Please enter how many students: 2 Please enter how many tests per student: -1 Please enter how many tests per student: 5 Please enter how many tests per student: 3 Please enter Stud ID: 12345 Stud ID 12345 -----> Test Score #1: 33 Stud ID 12345 -----> Test Score #2: 22 Stud ID 12345 -----> Test Score #3: 11 Please enter Stud ID: 98765 Stud ID 98765 -----> Test Score #1: 90 Stud ID 98765 -----> Test Score #2: 80 Stud ID 98765 -----> Test Score #3: 70 ------------------------------------------------- id[0]: 12345 T1: 33 T2: 22 T3: 11 avg: 27.5 id[1]: 98765 T1: 90 T2: 80 T3: 70 avg: 85.0
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