Lab 6
The purpose of this lab is to use the GNU Debugger (GDB) and practice
debugging programs that contain runtime errors. Also to create programmer
defined exception handling classes for "out of bounds" errors and
"invalid range" exceptions.
Copy the given lab6.cpp and compile the source code
using the -g flag to enable debugging information and -Wall to show
all warnings.
g++ -g lab6.cpp -Wall
Part I - InvalidIndex
- Run the program
and test each option
linearly. Try to break the program by either entering an invalid test
score with option 1 or trying to print a test score at some index
that is beyond the bounds of the int* TestScore::tests array.
Remember the index value you entered that caused a segmentation fault?
You will use this value again later in the lab.
- Write an empty InvalidIndex exception class definition.
Next, for the TestScore::operator[](const int) write the logic
to test whether the passed integer parameter is out of the array bounds
(hint: [0..count-1]). If so, throw an InvalidIndex object,
otherwise, return tests at index. Save the source code, compile, and run
the program again repeating everything you did for step 1.
A) Why did you program SIGABRT?
- Load the executable into the GDB debugger
gdb a.out
Run the program, same routine as above, and encounter the
SIGABRT again. Once the program has been terminated,
use the backtrace
command and select the frame
in main().
B) What line in main caused the SIGABRT?
Use the backtrace and frame command again and select the frame
in TestScores::operator[]
C) What line in the overloaded operator[]
caused the SIGABRT?
- Add the necessary try catch block for case 3 in lab6.cpp that
will catch an InvalidIndex object if thrown when using
TestScore::operator[](const int). Save, recompile, and run.
Part 2 - InvalidScore
- A valid test score should be between the range of [0..100]. Currently,
the code does not handle the error whenever a user enters an invalid
score for option 1. You will write the class definition for
a programmer defined Exception Class called InvalidScore.
This class definition will contain a private integer member variable
err_score. This class will also contain a default constructor,
an overloaded constructor that passes a constant integer by value, a
destructor, and a void member function called what().
Write the class definition with prototypes and full function bodies outside
the class definition.
- InvalidScore() - default constructor, assigns 0 to err_score
- InvalidScore(const int) - constructor, assigns passed int to err_score
- ~InvalidScore() - destructor, assigns 0 to err_score
- void what() const - member function that will output the following:
"\n\nInvalidScore::what()\nerr_score " << err_score << endl;
- Within the definition for TestScores::inputTestScores(),
then within the for loop and after the user has entered a "temp"
test score, add the logic:
if the temp score is invalid, deallocate tests, set tests to NULL,
set count to 0, and
throw( InvalidScore(temp) )
Otherwise, set tests[i] to temp.
- Save, compile, and run in gdb. Set a breakpoint for
break TestScores::inputTestScores()
Run the program and step through until a SIGABRT occurs.
Like before, use the backtrace command and "unwind" the stack
to find the frame that contained the initial throw. A throw statement will
throw the passed argument to where the initial function call was made.
D) Which function caused the SIGABRT? Why?
E) Which frame was the InvalidScore object
thrown to? (Which function on the stack?)
Exit out of GDB and open lab6.cpp in vi. The issue here is that
the istream& operator>>(istream&,TestScores&) is calling
a function that has the potential to throw an exception. Write the
missing try catch block that will try to call the
inputTestScores() function and catch a
const InvalidScore &e
object within this
overloaded operator>> definition.
Within the catch statement, write the line that will
rethrow the object back to main()
or throw;
- Since the overloaded operator>> for a TestScore object
could throw an exception, you need to write the try catch block for
main's case 1 "Input New Test Scores" option. When a
const InvalidScore &e
is caught, call the
from the caught object.
Save, recompile, run, and test.
- Answer Questions A-E as a /*multi lined comment*/ within your lab6.cpp
source code
Show me your completed lab or have your completed lab6.cpp source code
and answers: