To complete this lab, you will need to have firefox, filezilla client, and Notepad++ installed (or a text editor of your preference). If you have a Mac you can download BBEdit or TextWrangler from Apple. Firefox and FileZilla can be downloaded for the Mac platform.
Notepad++ is a sophisticated code editor that highlights HTML code and provides line numbers. These three applications are installed on the virtual Windows desktop on the machines in Science III. To "boot" Windows, simply click on the Windows XP icon and be patient. Do not click the icon twice.
If you are a CS major and prefer to use the Unix environment, feel free to do so.
You could also use a flash drive to save your work.
Begin by creating a folder named cs2680
on your
flash drive to store your work in this class. If you do not
have a flash drive today, you can save your work on the Desktop and use
an FTP like filezilla to upload to odin.
Just be aware that files on the Desktop are deleted each evening.
During class you will be given an account on
. If you are a computer science major,
you should already have an account.
Odin is the primary web server for the computer
science department. Odin can also be accessed by
or by IP address
. Either name is fine, but
this class will refer to this machine as odin.
In this lab you will upload a simple web page to your
account on odin to a directory called "public_html".
You will also have to change your public_html file permissions for 'global'
to public, which I will show you in lecture.
The goal of this lab is to familiarize you with the basics of creating an html document by using a visual text editor and uploading the document to your 'public_html' directory. In doing so, you will create your very first webpage. To begin, open Notepad++ by clicking the icon on the Desktop. Type the following code into Notepad++:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang='en'> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <title>Lab 1</title> </head> <body> <h1>Lab 1 - John Doe </h1> <p>This is my first web page for CS2680.</p> </body> </html>
Replace the pseudonym "John Doe" with your own name.
Once you have the code in Notepad++, save it as
in your cs2680 folder on either your flash drive or
somewhere on the desktop. If you double-click lab1.html, the code will
be displayed in your browser.
For now, don't worry if this language looks confusing and that right now you probably have no idea what's going on, but we will discuss the basics of html next lecture. Again, the main purpose for this lab is to familiarize yourself with the software we will be using for producing and submitting material and assignments.
You are now ready to upload lab1.html to your account on odin. Since many of you will want to use your odin account for files other than from this class, you should create and upload to cs2680 directory.
Open FileZilla. Connect a FTP client to
The lab1.html file is to be uploaded to your 'public_html/cs2680/' dir.
Again, make sure you upload to your public_html
Next, verify that your website is viewable to the public.
Use firefox and browse to
Use your odin username. Click on the cs2680 folder and
the lab1.html file. Once you verify that your website is viewable,
you are finished. If you can see it via a browser, then I can see it in
order to grade it.
Congratulations. You have completed your first lab in cs2680.