CMPS 2120 Lecture Notes - Predicates with Nested Quantifiers
The Order of Quantifiers
page 52.
Example 3, 4, 5
Translating from Nested Quantifiers into English
page 55.
Example 9, 10
Translating English Sentences into Logical Expressions
page 56.
Example 11, 12, 13
Negating Nested Quantifiers
page 57.
Example 14
Rules of inference for Propositional Logic
modus ponens
page 65.
Example 1
Table 1 Rules of Inference
p: it's sunny
q: it's cold
r: we will go swimming
s: we will go canoeing
t: we will be home by sunset
1. ~p ^ q
2. r -> p
3. ~r -> s
4. s -> t
Table 2 Rules of Inference for Quantified Statements
page 71.
Extra example, Marla
Predicate Functions with Two Variables and Nested Quantifiers
('==' denotes logical equivalence and '!==' denotes not equivalent)
U : universe of discourse; x and y are members of U; P is some predicate over U
∀x∀y P(x,y)
Meaning: For all x and for all y, P(x,y) is true.
Can be transposed: ∀x∀y P(x,y) == ∀y∀x P(x,y)
Negation: ∃x∃y ~P(x,y) means P(x,y) is false for some pair x,y
∃x∃y P(x,y)
Meaning: For some x and for some y, P(x,y) is true.
Can be transposed: ∃x∃y P(x,y) == ∃y∃x P(x,y)
Negation: ∀x∀y ~P(x,y) means P(x,y) is false for all pairs x,y
∀x∃y P(x,y)
Meaning: For all x, P(x,y) is true for some y.
Cannot be transposed: ∀x∃y P(x,y) !== ∃y∀x P(x,y)
Negation: ~(∀x∃y P(x,y)) == ∃x~∃y P(x,y) == ∃x∀y ~P(x,y)
means there is an x such that for all y, P(x,y) is false
∃x∀y P(x,y)
Meaning: There exists an x such that for all y, P(x,y) is true
Cannot be transposed: ∃x∀y P(x,y) !== ∀y∃x P(x,y)
Negation: ~(∃x∀y P(x,y)) == ∀x ~∀y P(x,y) == ∀x ∃y ~P(x,y)
means for all x there is some y such that P(x,y) is false.
To Summarize:
∀x∀y P(x,y) ≡ ∀y∀x P(x,y)
~(∀x∀y P(x,y)) ≡ ∃x∃y ~P(x,y)
∃x∃y P(x,y) ≡ ∃y∃x P(x,y)
~(∃x∃y P(x,y) ≡ ∀x∀y ~P(x,y)
∀x∃y P(x,y) !≡ ∃y∀x P(x,y)
~(∀x∃y P(x,y) ≡ ∃x∀y ~P(x,y)
∃x∀y P(x,y) !≡ ∀y∃x P(x,y)
~(∃x∀y P(x,y)) ≡ ∀x∃y ~P(x,y)
Universe of discourse: {sam, sally, joe, nancy}
Predicate Function L(x,y): x loves y
∀x∀y L(x,y): "Everyone loves everybody else."
Negation: ∃x∃y ~L(x,y): "There is someone who doesn't love anyone."
(one person left out of the set so the graphic is not as messy)
∃x∀y L(x,y): "Someone loves everybody."
Negation: ∀x∃y ~L(x,y): "Everybody has someone they don't love."
∃x∃y L(x,y): "Someone loves somebody."
Negation: ∀x∀y ~L(x,y): "No one loves anybody."
∀x∃y L(x,y): "Everyone loves somebody."
∃x∀y ~L(x,y): "There is someone who doesn't love anybody."
∀y∃x L(x,y): "Everybody has someone who loves them."
Negation: ∃y∀x ~L(x,y): "There is someone whom nobody loves."
∃y∀x L(x,y): "There is someone whom everyone loves."
Negation:∀y∃x ~L(x,y): "Everybody has someone who doesn't love them."
(No one is loved by everyone.)
∀x L(x,Joe) "Everybody loves Joe."
∀xL(x,x) "Everyone loves him/herself."
∃x~L(Nancy,x) "There is somebody whom Nancy does not love."
∃y∀x L(x,y)->∀x∃y L(x,y) "If there is someone that everybody loves then
everybody loves somebody." (TRUE)
∀x∃y L(x,y)->∃y∀x L(x,y) "If everybody loves somebody then there is someone
that everybody loves." (FALSE)
((∃y∀xL(x,y) ^ ∃z∀xL(x,z)) -> y = z)) # note the x's are in different scopes
"There is exactly one person whom everybody loves."
∃x∃y( L(Nancy,x) ^ L(Nancy,y) ^ (x != y) ^ (∀z L(Nancy,z)->(z = x) v (z = y))
"Nancy loves exactly two people."
∃x∃y (L (x,y) ^ x==y ) "Someone loves him/herself."
∀x∀y (L (x,y) -> x==y ) "No one loves anyone but him/herself."
Rewrite each of these statements so no negations appear outside predicates
or outside complex propositional statements.
~∀xP(x) == ∃x~P(x)
~∃xP(x) == ∀x~P(x)
a) ~∀x∀yP(x,y)
b) ~∀y∃xP(x,y)
c) ~∀y∀x(P(x,y) V Q(x,y)
∃y~∀x(P(x,y) V Q(x,y)
∃y∃x~((P(x,y) V Q(x,y))
∃y∃x(~P(x,y) ^ ~Q(x,y))
d) ~(∃x∃y~P(x,y) ^ ∀x∀yQ(x,y))
~(∃x∃y~P(x,y)) v ~(∀x∀yQ(x,y))
∀x~∃y~P(x,y)) v ∃x~∀yQ(x,y)
∀x∀yP(x,y) v ∃x∃y~Q(x,y)
e) ~∀x(∃yAzP(x,y,z) ^ Ez∀yP(x,y,z))
∃x~(∃yAzP(x,y,z) ^ Ez∀yP(x,y,z))
∃x(~∃yAzP(x,y,z) v ~Ez∀yP(x,y,z))
∃x(∀y~AzP(x,y,z) v Az~∀yP(x,y,z))
∃x(∀yEz~P(x,y,z) v Az∃y~P(x,y,z))
Predicate Calculus can describe complex relationships among multiple
sets (this is the foundation of a relational database).
Use quantifiers and predicates with more than one variable to express the
statement below.
Universe: students at CSUB, courses at CSUB, departments at CSUB
Variables: s for students, c for courses, d for departments
Predicate Functions: T(s,c): student s takes course c
O(d,c): department d offers course c
"Some student has taken all the courses offered by a department at CSUB."
Not correct:
Es Ed Ac (T(s,c) ^ O(d,c)) "There is a student who takes all courses
and a dept that offers all courses at CSUB."
Not correct either:
Ac Es Ed (T(s,c) ^ O(d,c)) "All courses have been taken and offered."
Still not correct:
Es Ac Ed (T(s,c) ^ O(d,c)) "There is a student who has taken all courses
and all courses have been offered by a dept."
The problem is limiting courses to only those offered by a particular dept.
Try implication. This is very close but not quite correct:
Es Ed Ac (T(s,c) -> O(d,c)) "There is a student who takes only courses
offered by one department."
Try the converse. FINALLY!
Es Ed Ac (O(d,c) -> T(s,c)) "There is a dept, such that if that dept
offers a course then there is one particular
student who has taken it."
NOTE: The quantifier order makes a difference. This is not quite correct:
Ed Ac Es (O(d,c) -> T(s,c)) "If some dept has offered a course then there
is some student who has taken it."
You can also get the correct solution with a dysjunction:
Es Ed Ac (~O(d,c) v T(s,c)) "There is a particular student and a particular
dept for all courses, such that, either the
student hasn't taken the course or the
department offers it."
More examples:
Es Ac O(math,c) -> ~T(s,c) "There is a student who hasn't taken any
courses offered by the math department"
As Ec O(biology,c) ^ T(s,c) "All students have taken a Biology course"
AsEc T(s,c) "All students have taken a course"
EcAs T(s,c) "There is a course that all students must take"
Q: What about using a predicate function with three variables?
It will work for some statements:
F (s, c, d): "s has taken course c offered by department d"
Es Ad Ec F (s,c,d): "There is a student who has taken a course from
every department."
But the problem is still how to limit courses to a particular department.
This won't work:
Es Ac Ed F(s, c, d) "There is a student who has taken all courses from
whatever department has offered them."
This won't work either:
Es Ed Ac F(s, c, d) "There is a student who has taken all courses, and
those courses were offered by one department."
Conclusion: Three variables won't work for the original problem.
Universes of discourse.
P: all passengers at LAX
F: all flights at LAX
A: all airlines at LAX
Let 'p', 'f', and 'a' denote a passenger from P, a flight from F
and an airline from A, respectively.
Predicate functions.
T(p,f): passenger 'p' takes flight 'f'
O(a,f): airline 'a' offers flight 'f'
∃p∃a∀f(O(a,f) -> T(p,f))
"Some passenger has taken all flights offered by some airline."
∃p∀a∃f (O(a,f) ^ T(p,f))
"Some passenger has taken some flight on all airlines."
Why is the following statement not correct for this problem?
∃p∃f∀a (O(a,f) ^ T(p,f))
In English this means "Some flight is offered by all airlines and some
passenger takes it." Obviously, not the same thing.
∃a∃f∀p (O(a,f) ^ T(p,f))
"Some airline offers some flight that all passengers have taken."
∀p∀a∃f (O(a,f) ^ T(p,f))
"All passengers have taken some flight on all airlines."
In this problem not all arrangements make sense; e.g.:
∃p∀a∃f (T(p,f) -> O(a,f))
"If some passenger takes a flight then all airlines offer that flight."