CMPS 2120 Lecture Notes - Inference Rules

inference rules
logical equivalences
  A premise is a logical expression and a conclusion is a logical expression.
  An argument is 2 or more premises (P1,P2,...Pn) leading to a conclusion (C).

            ∴ Conclusion

  (Premise1 ^ Premise2 ^ Premise3) -> Conclusion. 

  A Valid Argument is one in which true premises lead to a true conclusion. 
  A valid argument is a tautology.

            Sam likes Sally or Jack likes Jill
            Sam does not like Sally
             ∴ Jack likes Jill

  Validity is an evaluation of the structure of the argument. Validity is not
  an evaluation of the truth values of the premises. Therefore, we do not care
  whether Sam actually likes Sally or Jill. The argument is valid because 
  assuming the premises are true the conclusion is true.

            p v q
             ∴ q

  Invalid Argument: true premises lead to a false conclusion

            Sam likes Sally or Jack likes Jill
            Sam does not like Sally
            ∴ Jack does not like Jill
 Sound Argument: a valid argument with premises that are actually true.

           If k is an integer then 2k is an even integer 
           5 is an integer
           ∴  10 is an even integer 

  Unsound Argument: An unsound argument is one in which the structure is valid 
  but one or more of the premises is false or falsely identified as true.

        If something is made of cheese then it is good to eat.
        The moon is made of cheese.
        Therefore, the moon is good to eat.

  The structure of the above argument is valid and used so frequently that
  is has a name -- modus ponens:

        p -> q
        ∴ q              

  Although the structure is valid, since the second premise is actually false 
  the argument is unsound.

  This is an example of an argument that is both valid and sound:

       If you are a bird then you have wings.   T  
       If you are a bird then you may or may not fly.   T
       A penquin is a bird.   T
       Therefore, a penquin has wings and may or may not fly.  T

   The structure of this argument is:
       p -> q
       p -> (r v s) 
       ∴  q ^ (r v s) 

  An invalid argument is one in which true premises lead to a false conclusion.
  The structure for such an argument is invalid regardless of the actual values
  of the premises and conclusion. Example:

       If an animal can fly then it has wings or webbed skin.  
       An emu cannot fly.  
       Therefore, an emu does not have wings and it does not have webbed skin.

  In this argument true premises do NOT lead to the conclusion. The conclusion
  is thus false. The structure of the srgument is this:

            p - > (q v r)
          ∴ ~(q v r)

  The argument is invalid because a false antecdent does not imply a false
  consequence. This form of invalid argument is used so frequently that it
  has a name - Denying the Antecedent. In this argument, the premises are 
  actually true. The argument would be invalid even if the premises are
  actually false:

          If the moon is made of cheese then cows jump over it.
          The moon is not made of cheese.
          ∴  Cows do not jump over it.
  INVALID. Not because of the ridiculous premises but because of the structure.    
  A Syllogism is a valid argument consisting of two premises and a conclusion.

  A fallacy is an invalid syllogism. 
  Axioms: accepted as true; e.g. 2+2=4
  Theorem, Proposition, Fact: already proven 

  Conjecture: a statement whose truth is unknown
  Contradiction: a statement that always evaluates to false; e.g., p ^ ~p
  Rules of Inference: a number of well-known syllogisms that can determine 
  the validity of arguments
  Arguments can be valid or invalid. Premises are true or false. A valid 
  argument can be sound or unsound. An invalid argument is true premises
  leading to a false conclusion, whether sound or unsound.
Inference Engine Aside: 
  An argument is really one big implication. The logical meaning of which is 
       (P1 ^ P2 ^ p3) -> C

  Remove the implication:

       ~(P1 ^ P2 ^ p3) v C

  Apply De Morgan's and you have a Horn Clause:
       ~P1 v ~P2 v ~p3 v C

  Therefore, assuming the argument is valid, to infer C, all you need to show
  is C or that one of the premises is false! This is the basis for Prolog,
  the first declarative programming language and the basis for all knowledge
  databases. Statements of the type shown above are called Horn Clauses.

Applying Rules Of Inferences (see inference rules)

1. Is this argument valid?

   "If I like carrots then I like peas. I like carrots. Thus, I like peas."
Rewrite as a logical argument: 
  p -> q   
  ∴  q   
This is a valid argument. The truth table is a tautology:  
    p q  ((p->q)^ p)) ->  q 
    T T     T   T T  |T|  T    
    T F     F   F T  |T|  F 
    F T     T   F F  |T|  T 
    F F     T   F F  |T|  F

This syllogism is called Modus Ponens (M.P.)
2. Is this argument valid?

"If it rains today then there will be no BBQ today. If there is no BBQ today 
then there will be a BBQ tomorrow. Thus, If it rains today then there will be
a BBQ tomorrow."
Rewrite as a logical argument and confirm validity with a truth table: 

                               p  q  r   ((p->q) ^ (q->r)) -> (p -> r) 
     p -> q                    T  T  T      T    T    T   |T|    T 
     q -> r                    T  T  F      T    F    F   |T|    F    
     --------                  T  F  T      F    F        |T| 
   :  p -> r                   T  F  F      F    F        |T|
                               F  T  T      T    T    T   |T|    T
                               F  T  F      T    F    F   |T|
                               F  F  T      T    T    T   |T|    T
                               F  F  F      T    T    T   |T|    T

The argument is valid. This argument is called Hypothetical Syllogism.

You can use syllogisms to show the validity of more complicated arguments. 
How? If by applying syllogisms to the premises you can reduce the argument
to something that obviously leads to the conclusion, the argument is valid.

  The next arguments use these propositions.
   p:  go swimming
   q:  it is sunny
   r:  take a canoe trip
   s:  home by sunset
   c:  it is cold

# Is this argument valid?
  "If I go swimming then it is sunny. If I don't go swimming then I take a 
   canoe trip. Therefore, it is sunny or I take a canoe trip.

   Premise 1.   p -> q
   Premise 2.  ~p -> r
   Conclusion:  q v r

   Step 1.  p -> q  == ~p v q by Implication Elim. on Premise 1
   Step 2.  ~p -> r == p v r by Implication Elim. on Premise 2
   Step 3.  (~p v q) ^ (p v r) == q v r by Resolution on Step 1 and Step 2
# Is this argument valid?
 "If I'm home by sunset then it is cold. I'm home by sunset or it is
  sunny. Therefore, it is sunny or it is cold."

  P1. s -> c
  P2. s v q
  : q v c

  Step 1. s -> c == ~s v c by Implication Elimination on P1
  Step 2. (~s v c) ^ (s v q) == c v q by Resolution on Step 1 and P2.
  Step 3. c v q == q v c by Commutativity on Step 2

# Is this argument valid?
"If I go swimming then it is sunny. If it is sunny I take a canoe trip.
 Either I don't take a canoe trip or I'm home by sunset. Therefore, I go

 It sounds invalid, but prove it. 

 P1.  p -> q
 P2.  q -> r
 P3.  ~r v s
  : p   
  Step 1. p -> q ^ q -> r == p -> r  by Hypothetical Syllogism on P1 and P2.
  Step 2. p -> r == ~p v r by Implication Elimination on Step 1.
  Step 3. (~p v r ) ^ (~r v s) == ~p v s by Resolution on Step 2 and P3. 

  Invalid since ~p v s does not imply p.

# Is this argument valid?

"If I go swimming then it is sunny. If I don't go swimming then I take a 
 canoe trip. If I take a canoe trip then I am home by sunset. It is not 
 sunny and it is cold. Therefore, I am home by sunset."
   Premise 1   p -> q                
   Premise 2  ~p -> r              
   Premise 3   r -> s             
   Premise 4   ~q ^ c          
   conclusion :  s

   Step 1. (~p -> r) ^ (r ->s) ==  ~p -> s   H.S. on Premise 2 and Premise 3
   Step 2. ~p -> s == p v s                  Implication Elimination on Step 1
   Step 3. p -> q == ~p v q                  Implication Elim on Premise 1
   Step 4. (p v s)^(~p v q) == s v q         Resolution on Step 2 and Step 3
   Step 5. (~q ^ c) ^ (s v q)                Conjunc from Step 4 and Prem 4 
   Step 6. (~q^c^s) v (~q^c^q)               Distribution of AND over OR 
   Step 7. (~q^c^s) v (F^c)                  negation law
   Step 8. (~q^c^s) v F                      domination law 
   Step 9. (~q^c^s)                          identity law 
   Step 10. ~q^c^s == s                      simplification
   This argument is valid since Step 10 does imply s.
True premises lead to a false conclusion.

      p -> q
      -----       "Fallacy of affirming the conclusion"
     :  p
 An invalid argument is not a tautology:  

    p q  ((p->q)^ q)) ->  p
    T T     T   T T  |T|  T    
    T F     F   F F  |T|  T 
    F T     T   T T  |F|  F
    F F     T   F F  |T|  F

#. Is this argument valid? 
      p -> q
     :  ~q 
 No. This is the "Fallacy of denying the antecedent." It is invalid because 
 true premises lead to a false conclusion:

      [ (p -> q) ^ ~p] -> ~q 
        (F -> T)  ^ T  -> F
              T  ^ T   -> F
                    T  -> F   
     p -> q
     r -> s
     s -> t
     :  t        "Fallacy of begging the question"

This invalid argument involves circular reasoning (you must assume that 
which you are trying to prove).

Review: An argument is valid if true premises always imply a true conclusion.
The truth table in a valid argument is a tautology:
     p3        ( p1 ^ p2 ^ p3 ^ ... ^ pn ) -> q
    :  q
 But what if one the Premises in a valid argument is either false or falsely 
 identified as true? A valid argument in this case is *unsound.* For example,
     Stars exist in outer space. (true)                 p->q
     Comets are stars. (false premise)                  p
     Therefore, comets exist in outer space. (M.P.)     :q
     If pigs fly then the moon is made of cheese. (vacuous)   p->q
     Pigs fly. (false premise)                                p
     Therefore, the moon is made of cheese  (M.P)            :q
     If birds fly then pigs fly. (false premise)             p->q
     Pigs can't fly. (true)                                   ~q 
     Therefore, birds can't fly. (M.T.)                      :~p
      No swans are black.     (false premise)
      All ravens are black.   (true)
      :  No swans are ravens.  (H.S.)

      s: swan   b: black  r: raven
      s -> ~b                        
      ~b -> ~r                          
      s -> ~r  (Hypothetical Syllogism)
 The form of the above 4 arguments is valid but all arguments are unsound.
INFERENCE RULES FOR QUANTIFIED STATEMENTS  (see ch01/inference_rules.txt) 
         :  Ax P(x)   (if true for random, arbitrary c then true for all x)
>>> All dogs with webbed feet like to swim. Spot has webbed feet. Spot likes to
     Universe: all dogs
     W(x): x has webbed feet     S(x) : x likes to swim
     Ax ( W(x) -> S(x))    Premise 1
     W(spot)               Premise 2
     :  S(spot)
     W(spot) -> S(spot)    Universal instantiation on Premise 1
     W(spot)               Premise 2
    :  S(spot)              modus ponens  VALID
>>> Someone on the train stole the jewelry.All passengers ate in the dining car.
    Therefore, someone who ate in the dining car stole the jewelry.
    Universe: all passengers
    S(x): x stole jewelry
    D(x): x ate in dining car  
    Ex S(x)    Premise 1. 
    Ax D(x)    Premise 2.
    : Ex (S(x) ^ D(x))
   1.  Ex S(x)         Premise 1
   2.     S(c)         existential instantiation
   3.  Ax D(x)         Premise 2
   4.     D(c)         universal instantiation       
   5. S(c) ^ D(c)      conjunction from 2 and 4
   6. Ex (S(x) ^ D(x)) existential generalization   VALID
>>> Some activity is better than flying a kite. Eating cake is better than 
    most activities. Therefore, eating cake is better than flying a kite.

    Universe = {activities that make humans happy}
    B(x,y)   : activity x is better than activity y
    Ex P(x,flying a kite) 
    Ey P(eating cake,y) 
    :  P(eating cake, flying a kite)

   INVALID. Ex P(x,flying a kite) !== P(eating cake,flying a kite) since
   eating cake does not have to be the activity.

Example: (from Daniel Dennett's Freedom Evolves) 
      1. In some deterministic worlds there are avoiders avoiding harms.
      2. Therefore, in some deterministic worlds some things are avoided.
      3. Whatever is avoided is avoidable, or evitable.
      4. Therefore, in some deterministic worlds not everything is inevitable.
      5. Therefore, determinism does not imply inevitability.

From this argument, can you say that a robot has free will?