CMPS 2120 Week 5 Lecture Notes - Introduction to Sets

set identities
  *  Introduction to Sets *
  A set is a collection of unordered, unique elements.

  An *ordered set* is a collection of ordered unique elements.
  S ::= {4,23,7} reads "S is defined as the set containing 4, 23, and 7."

  S = {1,2,3) reads "S is the set containing 1, 2, and 3.
  4 ∈ S, reads "4 is a member of set S." or "4 is in S."
  A set may contain sets as members.  Let S = {1, {2,3}, {5, {2}}, 7}. S
  has 4 members. 2 members are sets, and one of those sets also contains a set.
  T ⊆ S reads "T is a subset of S."
  Set T is a subset of S if every element of T is in S. Let S={{2,3},1,7}. If
  T={(2,3), 1} then T ⊆ S. If U={{2,3}, 5}, U is not a suset of S.
  T ⊂ S reads "T is a proper subset of S."
  S is a proper subset of T if S is a subset of T and S != T.
  Do not confuse subset and set membership operations:
  Let S ::= {1,{2,3}, {5,{2}}, 7}. 
  Then {2,3} ∈ S and {{2,3}} ⊆ S.
  Every set is the subset of itself; {2,3} is a subset of {2,3}.
  Let S and T be sets. S = T if all the members of S are in T and all the 
  members of T are in S.
  {} = empty set (also called the null set and also denoted by ∅).
  The empty set is not the same as *nothing* - it is the set containing nothing.
  {} is a subset of every other set.
  {} is a subset of {}.  (This does not mean that {} is a member of {}.)
  The cardinality of set S, denoted by |S|, is the number of distinct elements 
  in S. Let S={2,3,4,10}. Then |S| = 4. Let S={2,(2),3}. Then |S| = 3.
  |{}| = 0. The cardinality of the empty set is zero.
  The cardinality of a set that is not finite is infinite; e.g. the set of 
  natural numbers 0,1,2,3,4,.....  is infinite.
  Infinite sets are defined by set builder notation: Ex. 
  To define the set of all integers > 1:

  R ::= {x | x is an integer > 1}      
  "R is defined as the set containing all x, such that x is an integer > 1"

  POPULAR SETS.                                     SET CONTAINING: 
  Z  = { .... -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, .... }               integers
  Z+ = {1, 2, .... }                                positive integers
  N  = { 0, 1, 2, .... }                            natural numbers
  Q  = { p/q | p ∈ Z, q ∈ Z, q != 0}               rational numbers
  R  = { -9, 0, 2/3, pie, e, sqrt(2), etc. }        real numbers
  The power set of a set S, denoted by P(S),is the set containing all subsets 
  of S.
  For S={2,3,4}, P(S)={{}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {2,3}, {2,4}, {3,4}, {2,3,4}}
  |P(S)| = 2^|S|
  Given sets A and B, the Cartesian product A x B (reads "A cross B"), is the 
  set of all possible ordered pairs (a,b), with 'a' ∈ A and 'b' ∈ B.
  The Cartesian product A x B x C is the set of all possible ordered 3-tuples 
  <a,b,c> with 'a' ∈ A, 'b' ∈ B, and 'c' ∈ C. Tuples can also
  be enclosed in parentheses: (a,b,c).
  |A x B x ... x n| = |A|*|B|* ... * |n|   
  A x {} = {}
  Is 2 ∈ {{2}, 2 }? yes
  Is 2 ∈ {{2}, 3 }? no 
  Is {} ∈ { 2, 3 }? no; if yes, the null set would be an explicit member
  Is {} ∈ {{}}?     yes
  Is {} ∈ {}?       no
  Is {{}} ∈ {{}}?   no  
  Is {5} ∈ {5}?     no  
  Is {5} ⊆ {5}?     yes - every set is a subset of itself
  Is {{}} ⊆ {{}}?   yes - every set is a subset of itself
  Is {2,3} ⊂ {2,3}? no - a set is not a proper subset of itself
  Is {} ⊆ {}?       yes-the null set is a subset of every set, inc. itself
  Is {} ⊆ {2,3}?    yes-the null set is a subset of every set

  Q; If S={{a}, {{a}}, {{a},{{a}}}}, what is |S|?  
  A: The cardinality of S is 3 (count the commas).

  Q: If P(A)=P(B), does A=B? 
  A: yes-if the power sets are equal then the sets must be

  Q: Is {} a power set of a set?   
  A: no, the smallest power set is {{})

  Q: If |S|=7, could S be a power set of another set?  
  A: no,the cardinality of power sets is 2^n, n>=0

  Q: What is A x B x C, for A={2,3}, B={4,5,6} and C={7}?
  A: {(2,4,7), (2,5,7), (2,6,7), (3,4,7), (3,5,7), (3,6,7)}
*   Set Operations   *
  A ∪ B (A union B) is all elements that are either in A OR B, or both.

  A ∩ B (A intersect B) is all elements that are in both A AND B.

  If A ∩ B = {}, then A and B are disjoint.

  |A ∪ B| = |A| + |B| - |A ∩ B|  (principle of inclusion-exclusion)

  A - B (reads "set A without set B") is all elements in A not in B.

  The universal set is the set that contains all elements, including itself.
  Given U=universal set, A (the complement of A) is the set U - A.
  See /Material/ch01/set_identities      
  A bit string can be used to represent a subset of U, where U is an ordered 
  set. A '1' denotes the member in that position in U is in the subset, and 
  '0' denotes the member in that position in U is not in the subset. Given

  U::={2,4,6,8,10,12}  A::={4,8,12}  B::={2,4,6}

  A's bit string is 010101 and B's bit string is = 111000.

  The union and intersection operations are bitwise OR and AND respectively: 
  A ∪ B is 010101 OR  111000 = 111101 which is {2,4,6,8,12} 
  A ∩ B is 010101 AND 111000 = 010000 which is {4}

  Find the sets A and B if A-B={1,5,7,8}, B-A={2,10}, and A ∩ B={3,6,9}
    From A-B = {1,5,7,8} we know that 1,5,7,8 are elements in A and not B
    From B-A = {2,10}, we know that 2,10 are elements of B and not A
    From A ∩ B = {3,6,9} we know that 3,6,9 and elements in both A and B
    Thus, A={1,3,5,6,7,9} and B={2,3,6,9,10}.
  Venn diagrams are used to represent the relationships between and among 
  sets. Two sets and the universal set U result in 4 distinct areas:
    U is 1,2,3,4.

    A ∪ B  is 2,3,4.

    A ∩ B  is 4.

    A - B  is 2.

    B - A  is 3.
    A  is 1,3.
    A ∪ B is 1.
    _   _
    A ∩ B is 1. 
    _   _
    A ∪ B is 1,2,3. 
    A ∩ B is 1,2,3.
   (A - B) ∪ (B - A) is 2,3.

   ((A ∪ B) - (A ∩ B)) is 2,3.
   (A - B) ∪ (B - A) is 1,4.

   (U - (A ∪ B)) ∪ (A - B) is 1,2.
   B is 1,2.
 Set membership tables are used to show set equality. If the final 
 result columns are equal, then the sets are equal.
 Example 1.
   (U - (A u B)) u (A - B) = B 
  A B  (U - (A u B)) u (A - B)    B 
  ---   ----------------------   ---
  1 1   1 0    1    |0|   0      |0|
  1 0   1 0    1    |1|   1      |1|  
  0 1   1 0    1    |0|   0      |0|
  0 0   1 1    0    |1|   0      |1|

 Example 2.
    ___________    _   _    _ 
    A u (B n C) = (C u B) n A.
                       ___________     _   _       _
  A B C  A u (B n C)   A u (B n C)    (C u B)  n   A 
  -----  ------------  -----------    --------------
  1 1 1    1   1        |0|            0 0 0  |0|  0 
  1 1 0    1   0        |0|            1 1 0  |0|  0
  1 0 1    1   0        |0|            0 1 1  |0|  0
  1 0 0    1   0        |0|            1 1 1  |0|  0
  0 1 1    1   1        |0|            0 0 0  |0|  1
  0 1 0    0   0        |1|            1 1 0  |1|  1
  0 0 1    0   0        |1|            0 1 1  |1|  1
  0 0 0    0   0        |1|            1 1 1  |1|  1
  Three sets A, B, C, and U result in 8 areas of interaction:

  Set identities can also show equivalence. 

 Set Identities

  A,B are sets; U=Universal Set; u is union; n is intersection; ' is complement
  A u {} = A                          Identity Laws
  A n U = A
  A u U   = U                         Domination Laws
  A n {} = {} 
  A u  A = A                          Idempotent Laws
  A n A = A
  A''  = A                            Complementation Law
   A u B = B u A                      Commutative Laws
   A n B = B n A
  (A u B) u C = A u (B u C)           Associativity Laws
  A n (B n C) = (A n B) n C
  A u (B n C) = (A u B) n (A u C)     Distributive Laws
  A n (B u C) = (A n B) u (A n C)  
  (A u B)' =  A' n  B'                De Morgan's Laws
  (A n B)' =  A' u B'   
  A u A' = U                          Complement Laws
  A n A' = {}    

    ___________    _   _    _ 
    A u (B n C) = (C u B) n A.
    ___________   _    _______ 
    A u (B n C) = A  n (B n C)    De Morgan's
                  _     _    _ 
                = A  n (B  u C)   De Morgan's
                  _     _    _ 
                = A  n (C  u B)   Commutativity 
                   _    _    _ 
                = (C  u B) n A    Commutativity