CMPS-2240 Homework 7 - Intro to x86 Assembly
1. What are the ESP and the EBP registers in x86 assembly used for?
2. The 6 general purpose registers (GPRs) in x86 are EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX,
ESI, & EDI. There are
also sub-registers. For example, explain
the difference between the EAX, AX, AH and AL registers.
Give the size of each.
3. Describe what these declarations in the static data segment accomplish.
Note that in x86 a word is 2 bytes and a double word is 4 bytes.
var DB 64
var2 DB ?
DB 10
X DW ?
Y DD 3000
4. The DUP assembler directive duplicates an initialization. Explain these:
Z DD 1, 2, 3
bytes DB 10 DUP(?)
arr DD 100 DUP(0)
str DB 'hello',0
5. Unlike MIPS, x86 supports direct accesses to memory. Note that
a WORD is
2 bytes and a DWORD is 4 bytes. The x86 registers EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX,
ESI, EDI, ESP, and EBP are 32-bit. Also note that with x86, data movement
is always from right to left (there is no operation
equivalent to the store operation in x86). With these facts in mind,
explain the instructions below.
mov eax, [ebx]
mov [edx], eax
mov eax, [esi-4]
mov [esi+eax], cl
mov BYTE PTR [ebx], 12
mov WORD PTR [ebx], 5
mov DWORD PTR [ebx], 9
6. The MOV instruction supports register to memory, register to register or
memory to register. Explain these:
mov eax, ebx
mov byte ptr [var], 5
7. The push instruction places its operand onto the top of the hardware
supported stack in memory. Push first decrements ESP by 4 (bytes),
then places
its operand into the contents of the 32-bit location at address [ESP].
ESP (the stack pointer) is decremented by push first since the x86 stack
grows from high to low addresses. Explain these instructions:
push eax
push [var]
8. The pop instruction copies 4 bytes from the top of the
hardware stack at address SP to register or memory. SP is
then incremented by 4. Explain these instructions:
pop edi
pop [ebx]
9. The Load Effective Address instruction (lea)
grabs the address of a label/symbol or computes an
address by adding an offset. The effective address is then loaded into the
target register. Explain these:
lea eax, [var]
lea edi, [ebx+4*esi]
10. Unlike MIPS, arithmetic operations in x86
can be performed register to register or register to
memory. The second operand may be a constant. Explain these:
add eax, 10
add BYTE PTR [var], 10
sub al, ah
imul eax, [var]
imul esi, edi, 25