1. What information is stored in the procedure call frame? (also called stack
frame or stack activation record)
2. Early computer architectures and languages (circa 1960s) did not support
a runtime stack. All modern architectures and languages do.
What advantages are there to a runtime stack? Why not just
store data in a procedure call in the data segments of the executable
rather than in a stack frame?
3. Give the expanded symbolic name of each of these registers and state their purpose.
$sp $fp $ra $pc
4. Explain what this instruction does.
lw $v0, 0($fp)
5. How do you compute the size of the current stack frame, assuming the
$fp points to the first word in the current stack frame?
6. What is the purpose of caller-saved registers?
7. Explain these two instructions.
jal a_label
jr $ra
8. Assume you wish to construct a stack frame (also called call frame)
for procedure foo. Which register is immediately
assigned a new value? After that is done,
which two registers must the procedure save to its newly
constructed stack frame?
9. Before the callee can return to the caller what must the callee do?
10. What is the difference between caller-saved and callee-saved registers and
when would you use one instead of the other?
11. Assume you write a programming language that does not support
recursion nor allow a procedure to call another procedure.
Does your language require the use of a runtime stack? Justify your answer.
12. This chunk of code from fact.s sets up a stack frame for main. Why
do you substract 32 rather than add 32 from the current stack pointer?
Why do you add 28 to the stack pointer to setup the current frame pointer?
addi $sp, $sp, -32 # stack frame is 32 bytes long
sw $ra, 20($sp) # save return address
sw $fp, 16($sp) # save old frame pointer
addi $fp, $sp, 28 # set up new frame pointer
13. Load fact.s and print.s into spim. Set a breakpoint in main. Run the
program. Step through enough code to find the values of $sp before and
after the call to fact (see detailed instructions in fact.s).
Confirm that the values differ by 32 bytes.
14. This code sets up the stack frame for the fact procedure. In addition to
storing the frame pointer and the return address on the stack, the
last sw instruction stores the argument n from $a0 to the stack.
Is this really necessary?
addi $sp, $sp, -32 # stack frame is 32 bytes long
sw $ra, 20($sp) # save return address
sw $fp, 16($sp) # save frame pointer
addi $fp, $sp, 28 # set up frame pointer
sw $a0, 0($fp) # save argument (n)
15. This chunk of code is also from the fact procedure. Without looking at the
rest of the code, explain what is at label L2 and what is at label L1.
lw $v0, 0($fp) # load n from stack to v0
bgtz $v0, L2 # branch to L2 if value in v0 > 0
li $v0, 1 # load 1 into the return value register
j L1 # unconditional jump to L1
16. This chunk of code from the fact procedure decrements n in order to make
the next recursive call. Why move n -1 into a0?
lw $v1, 0($fp) # load current value of n
addi $a0, $v1, -1
jal fact
17. The tak algorithm from Appendix A.6, implemented below in C, makes four
recursive calls. When this algorithm is written in assembly, what
values will need to be stored in the stack frame for each call to tak?
int tak( int x, int y, int z) {
if (y < x)
return 1 + tak(tak(x-1,y,z), tak(y-1,z,x), tak(z-1,x,y));
return z;
int main() {
18. Look at the code to construct the stack frame for tak (pg. A-31, Appen A).
Unlike the fact procedure, which stores the frame pointer $fp on the
stack, the tak procedure does not store $fp. Why does this work?
Could you rewrite fact to not store $fp?
Under what circumstances is storing $fp essential?