Data Flow Diagram tips ====================== 1. No double arrows allowed. <--------> <----- No 2. Must use all four symbols in your diagram. 3. A box with rounded corners is the same as a circle. 4. Arrows should be labeled with the data that is flowing, Not the process that is happening. 5. A data store probably doesn't process the data. It stores the data, and maybe sends the data to a process. 6. External entities and processes should be labeled as what they are, not with a description of what they do. The data flowing to and from tells us what they are doing. A few words is adequate for a system, function, external entity, or a data store. Don't go on and on. 7. Do not delete your lab-4 diagram. Some students do not have their first diagram from the lab yet. Do not skip this assignment. This tips list was developed from all the mistakes I'm seeing.