CMPS-3350 Lab 10
Programming With Style
Write a program in your Odin directory 3350/a
Program names are given below.
Please include a Makefile that builds your program.
Use this dictionary file: /home/fac/gordon/public_html/3350/dictionary.txt DO NOT copy the dictionary file into your local directory! Your program must have... . at least one function other than main. . one or more conditional statements. . one or more loops. Code will have perfect bracing, spacing, and indenting. Each program will have a comment block at the top. Do not choose the same challenge as the student sitting next to you. Output will be neat$ ./lab10 3350 Lab-10 Challenge number: n 27 words found: the words must be shown like this and they must not wrap on an eighty character terminal also the words must not scroll your terminal when displayed End of program.
List the 40 longest words in the dictionary with no duplicate letters. Neatly display the words without any scrolling or word wrapping.
How many words are made up of exactly 3 different letters. Look only at words that are at least 4-letters long. Neatly display the words.
How many words have just 1-letter that's not a vowel? Vowels are a, e, i, o, u. Only look at words that have at least 2-letters. Neatly display the words. Show which is the longest word.
Sort the letters of each individual word in the dictionary lexicographically. Look at just the new words created. There will now be some duplicate words. How many new words occur more than once? Neatly display the duplicated words. new requirement... Process only words with 3 or 4 letters. This will give a reasonable output of words found. It will also speed up processing.
How many words, when spelled backwards, match another word in the dictionary? The word cannot be a palendrome. Neatly display the words. hint... Put the dictionary into an array, to search through it faster.
Look for words with letters ordered lexicographically in ascending sequence? Look at words that are at least 3-letters long. Neatly display the words.