CMPS-3350 Software Engineering Lab-3
The components of this lab are:
Get the program for this lab.
Log on to Odin server cd 3350 ./ cd 3 cp -p /home/fac/gordon/p/3350/code/3/lab3-ssl.c .
All of your work will be viewed and collected at lab end.
Programs must compile and files must be in-place.
Copy your C program to a C++ program of the same name. cp lab3-ssl.c lab3-ssl.cpp No changes or fixes should be applied to the C program. Leave it in original condition.
Create a Makefile to build your C and C++ programs. Look in the lab3-ssl.c program to see how to compile it.
In your C++ program, Please fix all compile warnings and errors. Enter a comment above the code related to each error or warning that you fix. Include the original code that was fixed, in the comment. Make the comment stand out a little. For example://--------------------------------------------------------------------- //Fixed warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' //Previous code was: // void getHost(char *hostname) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void getHost(const char *hostname) { ... ... ...Step 4a: . Style this program using the Linux Kernel Style Guide. Main features... . Apply perfect K&R bracing, spacing, and indenting. . No lines will wrap on an 80-character window. . Choose hard-tabs or spaces for indenting, but don't mix them. . One command per line-of-code. . Fix all compile warnings and errors.Step 4 note: It is acceptable to fix a compile warning by using type-casting. Such as casting a function call argument. You may use C++ or C type casting for this.
Run your program with the following parameters...
Run lab3 with the following parameters...
Create a PHP program in your Odin public_html directory... It will have this URL: where username is your own Odin account name. If you have any questions about the path to your lab3.php, please ask about it during lab. Here is a sample PHP program example...<?php
echo "This is output from my php file.";
Run your lab3 program and contact your PHP file. like this... except insert your own username ./lab3 /~username/3350/lab3.php
Use a web browser to look at your php file like this... Also try this command to see your own page in a browser... ./lab3 /~username/3350/lab3.php > x.html; firefox x.html
Make some minor changes to your lab3.php program... Allow the program to accept input: $param = $_GET['param']; Process the $param variable in the PHP file. Your new PHP program will look like this...
$param = $_GET['param'];
echo "param is: " . $param . "<br>";
if ($param == "hello") {
echo "Hello student!<br>";
} else {
$num = $param*3+4;
echo "number:" . $num . "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "<img src=\"mydiagram3.gif\"/>";
Required: 1. Create a file named mydiagram3.gif for your diagram below. For image file conversion... You may use GIMP for file conversion. You may also use convert from the Odin command-prompt. example: $ convert image.jpg mydiagram3.gif Inside your <img> tag, apply a style element that will size your diagram to an appropriate size. example: style="width:600px;height:auto;" The <img> tag is in your php file.
Run your lab3.cpp program and contact your PHP file like this... ./lab3 /~username/3350/lab3.php?param=hello Then try this... ./lab3 /~myname/3350/lab3.php?param=456 You should see the appropriate data returned.
Draw a Diagram!
Draw a Diagram!
Draw a Diagram!
Draw a Diagram to show the components of the system that you programmed. Think about the flow of data through the system. How would a user interact with the system?
. Create an original diagram.Your diagram may be a flow-chart data-flow-diagram use-case diagram etc.
Note: Do not draw a diagram of the lab-3 assignment steps. That's not a system. It's an assignment. The program you wrote accepts input, contacts a server, gets data from a page on the server, and returns that data to you. Show that on your diagram.
3350/3/lab3-ssl.c 3350/3/lab3-ssl.cpp 3350/3/Makefile public_html/3350/lab3.php public_html/3350/mydiagram3.gif Copy your diagram image file to your web directory, so it will be displayed when your web page (lab3.php) is viewed.