Elements of the group project ============================= 1. Choose a framework provided to start your project. ===================================================== Odin path to frameworks: /home/fac/gordon/p/3350/code/frameworks/ 2. Keep the size of your cloned repository at 5MB or smaller. ============================================================= Do not store the following things in your repository... - extra or unused files - frameworks not yet part of your project - large image files - large audio files 3. Do not use an IDE to create or manage your files. ==================================================== Your Makefile and source files will be written by hand. 4. Do not execute your program from the Makefile. ================================================= 5. Put all project source files at the home directory of your repository. ========================================================================= I will do this... 1. clone your github repository 2. change to your repo directory 3. type make 4. run your project I will look for your source code in the home directory only. 6. Never push a file that will break your project on github. ============================================================ Do your coding and testing locally. When ready, push your work to github. Your github repo must never produce compile errors or warnings. Logical or game-play errors are different. There will almost always be some bugs in your software. That is natural and part of software development. Keep them to a minimum through group cooperation and hard work. 7. Create a personal source file. ================================= Your personal file has the name of your odin user name. For example: gordon.cpp sbeebe.cpp sgonzales.cpp The file will contain your own contribution to the group project. This file is your showcase of software engineering work. This is a very important component in your project. Every group member will have and maintain this file. File will contain a minimum of 200-lines of executable source code. Certain parts of a file do not count as source... - comments - header files - blank lines - repeated code Your personal file will not contain... • a main() function • code copied from the main framework file • the work of another group member • code found online 8. Header files cannot contain executable code. =============================================== A header file must contain definitions only. Do not #include source files. for example: #include "my_source.cpp" <---- not allowed 9. Not allowed in your project. =============================== • MS Windows bitmap image files (.bmp files). • Libraries not provided by your instructor. • Source code copied from online. • Ogg Vorbis .ogg files. Instead use OpenAL from sample provided. Any source code found online must be approved by your instructor.