This course introduces the fundamentals of Software Engineering.
From the catalog:
This course is a general introduction to Software Engineering. The course will
cover the specification, development, management, and evolution of complex
software systems. Students will learn how to cost-effectively apply the methods
and theory from Computer Science to solve difficult problems. The course
presents a broad perspective on software and system engineering and surveys a
wide spectrum of tools and techniques. Students are required to complete a
project as part of a small software engineering team. Students will form groups
and choose a software project early in the course, then apply methodologies
learned in the course to complete their project.
Each day lecture meets for 50 minutes and lab meets for 150 minutes.
Prerequisite: CMPS-2020 with a grade of C- or better.
The topics below are the general subjects of the course, and will be introduced and discussed sequentially as the course progresses.
Subjects could be added or removed. . Linux and Vim editor use . Source and Version Control . Git and Github . The Software Engineering Lifecycle . Waterfall, Incremental, etc. . Agile Methodology . Open Source . Requirements Engineering . SRS - Software Requirements Specification . Design - Architecture and Methodologies . MVC - Model, View, Controller . Coupling and Cohesion . Software Design Specification . Programming a Complex Algorithm . Implementation Phase of Development . Program Debugging . Program Optimization . Testing and Quality Assurance . Testing Techniques . Specific Programming Techniques . Mobile development . Android . Android APK Creation . Profession and Ethics . Job Interview Day . Group Project Presentations . Project Completion
These books might be found at the CSUB Library.
Sections of the following books will be used:
Essentials of Software Engineering, 4th Edition By: Tsui Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning Pub. Date: December 5, 2016 Print ISBN-13: 978-1-284-10600-8 Web ISBN-13: 978-1-284-10607-7 Pages in Print Edition: 334
Optional - book not provided free: The Mythical Man-Month Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. ISBN: 0-201-83595-9 Addison-Wesley
Grading Policy Weekly assignments 55% . labs . homework . quizzes . attendance Exams 20% Projects 25% ------------------------ Total 100% Grading scale used during the semester... A 93% A- 90% B+ 87% B 83% B- 80% C+ 77% C 73% C- 70% D+ 67% D 63% D- 60% F 0%
Other course details... Classroom class sessions Class sessions will be in Science-III room 240. When class starts each day, you should be logged in to the Odin server. Many class sessions will include some programming or a task to complete using a text file or program on Odin. Attendance Class attendance is required. Please be in your seat and ready when the period begins. Attendance marks: Late arrival to class - 1 mark Unexcused absence - 1 mark Each attendance mark is a small deduction from your overall grade. Deduction amount begins at 0.5% Deduction increases slightly with each occurance. Repeated disruptions of class due to late arrivals can cause added penalties. Labs Lab attendance is required. Labs are hands-on assignments to be done during the class period. Lab rules: 1. Do not be late to lab. 2. Work the entire lab period, unless excused by instructor. 3. Your program must compile and run at the end of a lab period. A program that does not compile could receive a score of zero. Lab assignments are designed to run on the classroom computers. You may use your own laptop, but it is your responsibility to make it work with the current lab assignment. More lab rules: 1. If you are late to lab, please do not copy the work from another student. 2. If you need help, be ready to enlarge your screen text for viewing by your instructor. 1. F11 2. Ctrl/Shift/+ 3. Ctrl/0 4. F11 3. Before working on a lab assignment, do the following... 1. log on to Odin server. 2. run the script: /home/fac/gordon/p/3350/ 4. During a lab you may run... /home/fac/gordon/p/3350/ Homework Homework assignments will be posted on our web page. Instructions will be given for each assignment. Homework Rules: 1. Your program must compile and run when it is due. 2. The homework source code files will be collected by the instructor. General requirements of all assignments Your assignments will usually be files stored on the Odin server. Your files must be stored inside your 3350/ directory, and in the proper subdirectory. Your 3350/ directory must be created using a script provided. The 3350/ directory is created so that your work is visible only to you and your instructor. Do not change the permission of the directory after running the provided script. Other general requirements: . Your name on the top line of a program or text file . Correct file name . Correct file location Programming assignments: . No compile warnings or errors . Program must run . Program output must be neat, clean, and complete. . C/C++ program code must follow the K&R coding style. . C/C++ program code must have consistent and correct indenting. Text file written assignments: . Neatly written text . Correct spelling and grammar Each assignment will also have some specific requirements in addition to those listed above. Some assignments may be given verbally. Unannounced quizzes may be given at any time. Final Exam A final exam is usually optional in this course. A date and time for the final exam will be posted, if needed. Late Assignment Policy Late assignments will not be accepted and can result in a score of zero. Individual Work Policy All work done in this course is individual work. Sharing of source code is not allowed. Possession of code written by other students is not allowed. Asking or searching for code written by other students is not allowed. Copying another student's work is plagiarism. Copying answers or source code from the Internet is also plagiarism. Group project work There will be specific group assignments. In a group project you may work with other students. You are required to cooperate with other students in the class. You will be asked to evaluate yourself and the students in your group. Classroom Behavior - Please do not wear headphones in the classroom. If you need headphones as an accommodation, please speak with your instructor to make arrangements. - Please do not use your cellphone during class time. Repeated use of social media is not allowed! - If you arrive late, please do not walk past the instructor while a lecture is in progress. Do not walk in front of other students. - Use of an electronic recording device is not allowed. For example: If you want to take a picture of lecture materials on the big-screen, ask for permission first please. Academic Integrity Policy Except for the group projects, all work done in this course is individual work. Please do not share your work with other students. You may discuss assignments with other students, but sharing of source code is simply not allowed. Refer to the Academic Integrity policy printed in the campus catalog and class schedule. Violations are enforced in accordance with the Department's policy on academic honesty. Absence from class A student's responsibilities include attending classes. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to inform your instructor of the reason for the missed class (documentation may be required) and to arrange to make up any missed assignments, exams, quizzes, and class work, to the extent that this is possible. Excusable absences include, but are not limited to: Illness, injury, death of an immediate family member, etc. See a complete list at CSUB Catalog. Search for "University Absence Policy". If you receive a summons for Jury Duty, immediately call the number on the summons to reschedule your service to a time when you are not in school, such as holiday break or summer. Telling your instructor in advance of an absence gives you the best chance of being excused. No Recordings Allowed: Under California Education Code Section 51512, it is illegal for any person, including a student, to use an electronic device to record what is happening in the classroom without the consent of the instructor. The instructor for this course DOES NOT give consent for recording of any kind. If a disability requires you to record a class session, then please contact SSD so accommodations can be made. Your instructor reserves the right to amend this syllabus during the semester. ------------------------------------ Amendment: Use of APIs and libraries ------------------------------------ Students, for your programming, please use the frameworks provided by your instructor. All the necessary components and tools are there. Please do not use the following for any assignments: SDL SFML GLFW GLUT X11 framework code found online X11 or OpenGL code found online Source code generated by AI tools such as Chat GPT. Source code from another class. If you are unsure if a library or sample code that you find online should be used for an assignment, ask your instructor. Thanks. End of amendment ========================================================================= | AMENDMENT 9/6/2024 - Assignment Instructions Clarification | ========================================================================= | An assignment will give you some tasks to complete. There will be a | | list of things to do, but no list of things not to do. The list of | | things not to do would be infinite. Use your best judgement to | | complete an assignment. Ask questions during a lab. | ========================================================================= End of amendment