CMPS-4350 Lab-2
Work with data compression LZ77 algorithm.Step 1: Write a coder/decoder together. We will compress a text file. Goals: Write the simplest coder, with no actual compression. Write the decoder that will work with any valid compressed stream.Step 2: Use your program to compress the World's longest word. Goal #1: Code and decode your word. Goal #2: Code the word with some compression. Decode the compressed stream.Step 3: Contest... Who can code the smallest compressed file, and still decode the word? Where to get our class program that's working now... /home/fac/gordon/p/4350/code/2/contest.cpp You may start the contest with this program. Changes to make it work are noted in the code. This program will compress and decompress the World's longest word. Here is another update ---------------------- /home/fac/gordon/p/4350/code/2/contest3.cpp You should use this program for the contest. Instead of building a buffer as we go, the whole file is read into the buffer at the start. Now, you just move *prt through the buffer. This is necessary when you want to use a string that's longer than one character. You can move past the *ptr character, but not have to read the file to do it. This program will compress and decompress the World's longest word. In a split second. But, there is no real compression yet. That's your job.