CMPS-3480 - Computer Graphics

Coke can rendering project, by Gordon.
Main features of project:
   · Cylindrical texture mapping
   · Cylindrical bump mapping
   · Cylindrical specular mapping (in progress)
   · Depth-of-field using an aperture and focal length for each ray
   · 3-point lighting
   · Soft shadows with each light having an area
   · Projected texture mapping on table top
   · Pixel sub-sampling for anti-aliasing
beginning scene Blinn-Phong specular highlighting added normal mapping of condensation droplets
3-point lighting sources: • key light - front-right • fill light - front-left • back light - back-left Table top is a wood texture map. I took this photo of the fence in my backyard. Condensation was done with this normal map I found using google. I learned how to use a normal map on this page. Here is my can texture found on google. I thank you so much.