CMPS-3480 Computer Graphics
In this lab, we will:
Please do these steps to prepare for coding... 1. Log into Odin, using the -YC options. example: ssh myname@odin -YC 2. Change to your 3480/5/ folder. Copy the lab files now... cp /home/fac/gordon/p/3480/code/lab5/* . Compile and run the program: make ./lab5
Follow instructions on the menu to animate the rope. Rope is made of masses and springs. You may experiment by changing the characteristics of the rope.
Press J to setup the masses for a jello square. The jello has only masses. You will have to connect the masses with springs. Your instructor will get you started. You will add the following spring types... . structural springs establishes the general shape of your jello. shearing springs adds strength and rigidity helps structure keep its shape as force is applied
. bend springs keeps a structure from folding over on itself
Get the jello working. You may then experiment by adding more masses, more springs, etc.
Homework is below. 1. Use keyboard input to adjust qualities of the spring physics such as stiffness. Use this feature to determine a stiffness level to make your jello look more like jello. 2. Use the mouse to grab a mass on the jello. Lift the jello with the mouse. This is similar to grabbing a point in lab-2. 3. Use keyboard to change the dimensions of the jello square. It does not have to change in real-time, just the next time you press J. This option likely requires that you have put your spring setup inside nested loops, rather than hard-coded. 4. Additional item may be added here.
Your instructor will find your work out on Odin!