CMPS-3480 Computer Graphics
1. Log into Odin, using the -YC options. example: ssh myname@odin -YC 2. Change to your 3480/7 folder. Copy the lab files now... cp /home/fac/gordon/p/3480/code/lab7/* . Compile and run the program: make ./lab7 Press 5We will do some coding together to turn the pyramid into a smooth cone or cylinder. Get ready to code!
We will open and learn to use Blender. We will build a model in blender, export it, then display it where the cube is rotating. Get ready for some blender.
Homework is... 1. Get your cylinder built correctly. Building a smooth-looking cylinder using 10 or less points-on-a-circle will get you extra points. You will have to give a normal to each vertex rather than each triangle. This is called Phong shading. It is described in our text books and many articles online. 2. Put a texture on the cube in menu item #6. Apply the texture to all 6 sides of the cube. Use a texture image that makes sense for a cube. I recommend using a texture image that you produced yourself using your phone camera and Gimp. 3. Put a texture on your cylinder. Apply a texture such as a soda can. You may find a texture map image online, but you may also make your own texture image. Do not use any images that are copyrighted or have watermarks. Making your own texture images is best. Here is my own textured cylinder made of bricks. The texture is from the fireplace in my house.I used just 20 points-on-a-circle. The texture image dimensions are 1024 x 256 pixels. Here is my texture image
This is a Phong-shaded cylinder. Just 12 points-on-a-circle. No edges are visible on the cylinder's surface.
I will describe Phong shading in class, then you will add it to your homework.
Your instructor will find your work out on Odin!