If you submitted a lab5_fix file, you must do it again. Only 1 student did it correctly. Because of so many errors, the file location has been changed below to make it easier. Please follow the instructions. Doing this task correctly takes 10-seconds max.
----------------------------------------- Fixes to your old lab-5 homework programs ----------------------------------------- Did you fix any of your Lab-5 programs after we reviewed them in class? Here's what to do... 1. Create a text file on Odin named 2010/5/lab5_fix. 2. Put one line of text in the file. 3. The text will be the name of the program that you fixed. 4. Save the file. You are done. I will grade one program again. Just one program. Not two programs and not three programs. Just one program. Do not put any special characters in the file. This is not a program file, it is just a text file. Do not create more than one lab5_fix file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following instructions are for students who made errors. 1. If you created a directory named 2010/lab5_fix/ you got yourself into a mess. (2 students) Remove the directory after copying any or all of the files back into your 2010/5 directory. Do the following steps on Odin... a. change into your lab5_fix directory cd cd 2010/lab5_fix b. copy all the files from there into your 2010/5/ folder cp *.cpp ../5 c. delete all the files rm *.cpp d. change back to the 2010 folder cd .. e. remove the lab5_fix directory rmdir lab5_fix 2. If you created more than one lab5_fix file... remove them and create just one file in your 5 directory. (1 student) 3. If you have special characters in your lab5_fix file, such as //, please remove them, and also move your file to the 5 directory. (2 students) There is no due date on this. It's due whenever I decide to collect it.