3350 - Homework Assignment #1

Software Prototype

Due date unknown.

This is a group assignment. You may work in groups of 2.
You may work individually.

Animated waterfall model

Continue to work on your lab-1 particle-system program.

Your goal is to produce an animation of the Waterfall SDLC.

You may be creative.

4. Byzanz:

Read about the Byzanz program <--- right there. Make an animated gif image of your running program, and display it on a simple web page on your Odin web area.

I will ask Steve to install Byzanz on our department machines.

Byzanz was used to make the image above.
It is scaled to 50%.
To see the full-size image, right click and view image.

Display your waterfall animation at the following web address:
username is your Odin username.

Please name your image as hw1.gif.

Record your animation for just a few seconds, to keep the file small.
File size must not be greater than 1MB.


Look to asteroids or other framework to see how OpenGL text is done.

Steps used to do the coding of demo program above:
 . made lab-1 window a little smaller and wider (500x360)
 . adjusted location of objects to fit new window size
 . added text components from a framework
 . gave each particle some random shade of light-blue
 . changed collision physics so that a particle will have a tendency to
       move to the right when bouncing on a box
 . displayed text aligned with each box drawn
   used a for-loop to draw boxes and text together.

 Your steps can be different, while reaching a similar goal.
 You may be creative and original,
 such as this submission from former students Alex and Andrew.

To see the full-size images, right click and view image.

Sample web page:
Your web page can be very simple.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<img src="hw1.gif">

What to turn in:

Your source code for the animation will be on Github in your lab1 repo.
Your web page will be found with a browser when due.