CMPS 3350 Homework-7

Group Project Work

Due Sunday Oct 13, 2019 around 6pm.

Finish your lab-7 group work.

All students must have some executable code in their own source file
beyond that which displays credits information or picture.

Some of the code must relate to score tracking, score testing,
score-page drawing, HTTPS requests, high-score parsing, etc.

Your game should have some score functionality by Sunday, such as
testing scores, getting scores from Odin, saving scores on Odin,
displaying high scores.

Cleanup of your group's Github repository.

The following task is for all groups.
Your group should work together on this.

Establish a .gitignore file with the following elements...


Also add the name of your game's executable file.

This will help to keep the size of your repo small.

Cleanup of your group's Github repository.

This task is for all groups whos repo has grown above 5MB in size.
Your group should work together on this.

1. Clone your Github repository to a Desktop.

   Use the mirror option.

   git clone --mirror your-repo-name

2. Save a backup copy of your repository.

3. Delete the entire .git folder.

4. Be sure your .gitignore file is in-place.

   At this point you can also delete by-hand file such as *.o and x.x.
   Delete any files that are created when you run make.
      Do not put a header file on your compile line in the Makefile.
      This will create a pre-compiled header file that is huge.

      This is what not to do:

         g++ myfile.cpp myfile.h

      Do not compile your header files.
      Header file are for including in your source code!

5. Now recreate your repository.
   git init
   git add *
   git commit -m "first commit of new repo"
   You may git add all the files individually if you like.

6. Here is the scary part...

   Delete your group repo on Github.

   You can also rename the repo if you like. That will preserve the files
   and history in case you make a mistake.

7. Create a new bare repository on Github, using the same name
   as the one you just deleted a minute ago.
   Use the same name as before so that your instructor can find and clone it.

8. Push the repo from your desktop up to your new Github repository
   using the 2 commands given by Github.

Your repo will now be clean and much smaller than before.

Tips: 1. From now on, never do: git add * 2. Keep your .gitignore file updated with file names that you do not want to track.
This whole cleanup process takes just a few minutes to do. Read about the .gitignore file in Github or other documentation. There are other ways to clean a git repository, but they are more complex and would require some special software in some cases.