CMPS-3350 Software Engineering


In this lab, you will:

install OpenGL on your own PC with Linux
Before you begin...
Your 3350 Odin directory must be setup properly.
procedure is here

Step 1:
Please do these steps to prepare for coding...

1. Log into Odin, using the -YC option.
example: ssh myname@odin -YC

2. Change to your 3350/1 folder.

Copy the lab files now...
cp ~gordon/p/3350/code/lab1/* .

Compile and run the program:

If the program does not run, then just move on with the next step.
The program will run on your Desktop.
Move on.

Step 2:
Create your git repository on Odin for this lab.

1. Change to your 3350 directory.
   cd ./3350

2. Create a bare repository:
   git init lab1.git --bare
   You just created a bare git repo that will hold your lab-1 assignment.

3. Change back to your 3350/1 folder

4. Create a (not bare) repository there:
   git init
   git add *
   git commit -m "my first commit"
   git log

5. Enter the following
   git push ../lab1.git master
   to push your files into your bare repository.

Your git repository is now ready to be cloned from anywhere.

The files in your 3350/1 folder will no longer be used.
You may delete them, or leave them in-place.

Step 3:
We are going to do our lab coding on the local desktop.

1. Go to the Desktop folder on your classroom machine.
   (Open a terminal and change to Desktop.)

2. Enter the following:
   git clone yourname@odin:/~yourname/3350/lab1.git
   You will be asked for your password.
   A lab1 directory should now be on your local Desktop.

3. Change to lab1, and enter the following:
   ls -al

   You should see your files and also the .git folder.
   When ready, build and run the lab1 program.

You can clone your repo from home or other off-site location by using
the complete Odin address. For example...

git clone

The tilde ~ takes you to your home directory.

Step 4:
Follow along with your instructor to modify lab1.cpp.
Be ready to code quickly, compile often, and ask questions.

Step 5:
This step is done anytime during class, or when the lab is complete.
From your local machine, update your git repository:

git add lab1.cpp
git commit -m "my changes during lab class"
git push origin master

What to turn in for the lab...
Leave your lab1.git repo in place on Odin.

Copy your most current lab1.cpp and Makefile into your /3350/1 folder.

You will be asked to copy the files during class on Wednesday.

This lab will be extended into a homework assignment (below).

This lab is extending into a homework assignment.

What to do...

   1. Create your personal account on Github.
      Please make this a public account.

   2. Create a bare repository on Github named lab1.

   3. Push your lab1.git repo to Github.

      . Clone your lab1.git to your Desktop.
        Do the steps below from your Desktop/lab1 folder.
        (change to your lab1 folder)
      . Remove the .git folder
           rm -r .git
      . Create a new repo
           git init
           git add *
           git commit -m "my first commit for lab-1"
      . Set the remote origin (command provided by github)
      . Push the repo up to your lab1 repository.
           git push origin master
      . Github website has clear instructions on how to get this done.

   4. Create a text file on Odin named exactly: /3350/mygithub.txt

   5. Enter one line of text in the mygithub.txt file.
      (one line only)
	  The text will be the URL of your personal Github account.
      Only the URL of the account name.
      Do not include lab1.
      Do not include a slash character at the end.
      Do not include a new-line character.

      Your instructor will append "/lab1" to your URL text,
      then use it in a git clone statement.

      You might want to test this yourself.
      Testing is highly recommended.

Your instructor will clone, build, and run your program.

Due date... Friday evening at 6pm.