CMPS 3350 Lab-15

Program writing and testing methods

Written homework for Wednesday:
This is written homework, not coding homework.
Do not write code.
Write statements or sentences that can be read by a person.
This is graded work.
You graduated and started your own software development company. Your company
needs to provide this critical solution to a large customer, and the product
must work perfectly.

List all the ways that you could test this program. You may display your list
neatly in program comments near the top of the bigadd program.

You may also list your methods in a file named: 3350/f/testing.txt

You may also write your items on paper and hand it in just before class begins.

Your instructor, Gordon, has thought of 10 ways to test this software. Earn
extra points by matching one of Gordon's testing methods. Earn big points by
being the only student to list one of big G's testing methods.

Do your work in your own Odin 3350/f/ folder.

You may get a starting framework at the following location...


Your software company needs to provide this critical solution
to a large customer, and the product must work perfectly.

Write a C or C++ program that will...

  1. Generate some rows of numeric digits.
     Use the random number generator.
  2. Ask the user for the number of rows and columns of digits.
     2x4 might look like this... 


  3. Treat each row of digits as a number. Show the sum using addition.


Program output will look something like this...
Lab-15 number addition ---------------------- Enter rows & columns: 2 5 13463 75385 ----- 88848 program complete.
You may also get user input using command-line arguments. Note: Students who work alone on this assignment have the potential to earn a higher score than students who work in groups.

As you start to get this working, think of how you might go about
testing the program functionality. You need a testing method because
the user might enter 15x60 and the output would look like this...


Is this correct or not?
How could you verify this answer?

Include in your program comments near the top of the source file a list of
ways you can test this program. List as many ways as you can think of to
get this program tested. Your job depends on it.

Number your testing methods. You may list them as a to-do list if you want.
Think of as many as you can.

Suggestions in writing this program...

  1. Setup an array to store the sum.
  2. As each random digit is generated, add it to the sum, then display it.
  3. Think about elementary school addition.
  4. Use carrying. This will require modulus and division operations.
  5. Start with 2-rows and 1-column for easy visual testing and easy debugging.

An important part of this assignment is listing as many ways as you can think
of to test this program. It has to work perfectly.

You should include a simple unit-test in your code. You may isolate it with
preprocessor directives and a second executable, if you know how. It is a
required component for a high lab score.

Your files will be collected at lab end, 12:30pm.
Please make sure your program compiles and runs.