CMPS 3350 Lab-5

Lab Elements

• Working as a group.
• Git/Github clone, modify, push.
• Resolving coding conflicts in a group.
• Accomplishing a goal.

Github branching
Step 1:

Work with your group members on this lab.

Give your github URL to Gordon, if it has changed.

Begin your project with a framework.
bubbly bubbles, rain forest, asteroids, battleship, walk, car, snake, walk2

Step 2:

Go to your own Desktop, clone your project, build and run it.

Git branching

Create a new source file.
Name your file in the following way:
Your first name followed by your last initial capitalized.


  Mike Jones      ---> mikeJ.cpp
  Steve Rodriguez ---> steveR.cpp 
  Sarah Smythe    ---> sarahS.cpp
Each student will have a unique filename.

a. Place some source code into your file.
b. Modify your Makefile to include your own source file.
c. Add and commit your changes.
d. Push your changes up to your group's Github repo.

None of the students files will contain the main() function.
  . Do not copy and paste code from your main framework file
    into your own source file.
  . Your own source file is reserved for code you have written yourself.

Add the following functionality to your project framework.

1. Choose a key-press that will activate your Game Credits page. This 
   screen will indicate all programmers who worked on the game. You must
   indicate when your game starts up which key or click will activate a credit

2. You can use a state variable for this. A key-press can be used to toggle the
   state On/Off.

3. Your render function can look to your state flag to render Credits.

Step 3:
This is a contest.

Score for this lab is based on...

  1. Working as a team.
  2. Quality of work.
  3. Individual contribution by each member.
  4. An awesome Credits screen.

The best Credits screen will receive bonus points.

Your goal is a professional looking result, not garbage.

Samples of previous student work will be shown during class.