CMPS 3350 Lab-7

Group Project Work

Adding a feature to a group software project.

Add a feature to your group project on Github.

The new feature will store and read high scores from the Odin server.

Each member will take responsibility for a portion of the work.

Features needed...

 1. Bring in the code from lab-3 lab3sget.cpp program.
    One group member may place this code in their personal source file.
    You may split up the program into pieces if you like.
    You may also place the code in a separate source file.

 2. Write a PHP program on Odin to be accessed by your game.
    The PHP program will be accessed via key-press, mouse, or other means,
    such as a game-over condition.
    The PHP program should ultimately read and write to a file that
    maintains the score data.

 3. Setup appropriate variables or a class to hold score information.
    Setup a testing scenario to generate game scores.
    You can for example designate a key-press that will accumulate score.
    Show the score accumulation on-screen.

 4. Setup a key-press or mouse-click that will display a high score screen.
    Tell the user how to see high scores when your game starts up.
    Inform the player of their standing when the game ends.

 5. Design and write the code to display a high-score screen.
    The screen can be very simple at first.
    A simple output of scores.

Write the code for these requirements in your personal source files. Design functions that can be called from the main program framework. All group members will take responsibility for a portion of the lab. All group members will clone, modify, and commit changes to your Github project repository.
Sample screens

You may display updated score information on a web page, but this assignment
is to return score information from a server back to your running game.

All group members will have working code in their individual source files.

All group members will clone and push changes to Github.


  Don't bring the global class into your individual source file.
  Don't list many unused unneeded #include files.
  Don't push a non-working game to Github.

  higher grades for...

     Splitting up the https functionality between members.
     Reading a file with PHP.
     Writing a file with PHP.
     Tying score data to your actual game-play.

     Writing a testing scenario that can be turned off and on from your
     Makefile will earn extra points.
     Do this by isolating your test code with #defines.
     Use the -D compile option so your Makefile can build 2 executables,
     a test version and a production version.
     Gordon will show you how to do this.