3480 Semester Project

The project is not a trivial assignment.
It is worth 25% of your overall grade.


   1. Choose a project that you can finish completely.

          This is a very important element of your project.
          Do not choose a project idea that cannot be completed.

   2. Indentify the Computer Graphics elements of your project.

          Post this in text on your web page.

          Objects first, pixels first, ray-tracing, OpenGL?
          Animation, playback, real-time?
          Physics, motion-blur, collision detection, mass and springs?
          Anti-aliasing, depth-of-field, special shadows, transparency?
          CSG, model building, procedural textures, procedural models?

   3. Identify clearly what the finished result of your project will be.

          You must work toward a specific goal that you have identified.


Posting a picture of an object is not computer graphics, it is photography
or maybe art. You must identify what makes your project a computer graphics

Post a description of your project on your web page. Post the computer graphics
elements and what the final result will be.

Simplify your project into something that you can finish completely.

Choosing a complex project does not impress your instructor, unless you are
ready to put in many many hours of work to accomplish a result.

The items listed above were written by the person who will be grading
you on your work. Please follow the instructions above. Thanks.