Tips for taking and completing a written quiz

1. Start with a clean sheet of paper.
   Lined paper is ok.
   You may print the quiz, then write on it with pencil.

2. Write the quiz name and your name at the top.

3. Write numeric answers as regular decimal numbers, unless the question
   specifically asks you to show your answer in binary, octal, or hex.

4. Circle the part of your writing that is the answer.

5. Give only one answer, unless the question asks for multiple answers.

6. Take a picture of the entire sheet of paper please.

7. If your camera does not save JPG images, then use an image conversion
   utility, such as 'convert' on the Odin command-line.

   You cannot simply rename an image file to convert it.

8. Check your final image. Make sure it is not empty.

More Quiz Tips

All numeric answers must be regular decimal numbers, unless the question asks
you to give an answer in binary, octal, hex, or some other way.

This requirement is in other documents that are posted.

I'm not going to convert your answers into decimal for you. If a conversion is
required, then that is your job.

For binary, octal, or hex numbers, use the notation we learned in class.
Do not make up your own notation. Do not use a notation that we have not
gone over in class.

This is not a math class. This is a programming class. In general, math notation
of numbers is different than computer science and programming notation of
numbers. Programming has no superscript or subscript notation for example.

You can post or repost a written quiz image on Odin anytime before the due date.

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This lets you see Odin in a graphical drag-and-drop format.