CMPS-3350 Software Engineering

Summer Programming Exercise

Write a program on Odin named 3350/summer/summer1.cpp

Programming tasks:

   1. Prompt the user to enter a word.

   2. Check if the word has any double letters.
      (two consecutive letters the same)
      Examples: school, class, room

   3. If the word has double letters,
         display an appropriate message.
         End the program.

   4. If the word does not have double letters,
         go back to step 1.
         Use a while or do-while loop for this.

Programming tips
Write a Makefile that will build this program correctly.

Coding style must follow the K&R bracing, spacing, and indenting.

Program output must be neat and clean and tell the user something about what
the program is doing.

Get to work on it.

I will give you feedback on your program over the Summer so that you can get
a perfect score. After the semester starts you get only one try.