CMPS-2240 Lab-12
IEEE 754 Floating-point format

Gordon Griesel
Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
California State University, Bakersfield


Learn IEEE 754 floating-point format
Display bit-patterns in a C program
Convert real numbers on paper


Because of a holiday off Wednesday, we will begin by learning how to
convert a IEEE 754 floating-point number to a decimal number.

A few special cases: NaN inf

Then we will do the steps below.


Write a C program that will display the bit-pattern of a float variable.

Your program name: /2240/c/lab12.c on Odin.

Follow along with Gordon to write this program in class.


Write x86 assembly code to:

   1. multiply a floating-point number.
   2. convert the floating-point number to a signed integer.
   3. display the integer value.

Start with your lab9.asm or lab10.asm program.
Copy it to 2240/c/lab12.asm
Also copy the Makefile

Follow along with Gordon to write this code.

What to turn in

Gordon will find your program.
