CMPS-3480 Computer Graphics
Midterm coding exam

Your task:
Write a program that looks like this when run:

Do your work on Odin in your 3480/a/ folder.

Name your source file 3480/a/lab10.cpp

Also include a Makefile

Start with any lab framework we have worked with.
You may refer to all of your previous work in this class.
You may use computer graphics reference material online.
Line drawing should be done with Bresenham's algorithm.

lab2.cpp has Bresenham's line drawing and anchors.
jello.cpp has a circle and a flicker-free animation.

Do your work on the Odin server.
Your program will be collected several times during the exam
to see your progress.

What to turn in...
Gordon will collect your work from Odin.

Required files: