CMPS-3480 Computer Graphics

Lab-10 is part of your midterm exam

Your instructor will visit with each student in a ZOOM breakout room.

Requirements are below.

Step 1: Look at the sample project page. Give your project page a similar format. 1. Give your project a title. You may put the word title above your title if you want. 2. List your computer graphics elements in a brief list. Do not describe your project here, just list items. List heading is: My computer graphics elements... 3. List the components you will use to present your study. Do not describe your project here, just list items. List heading is: To demonstrate my study... 4. Post a test image that you have created with your project source code. Place your source code and Makefile in your Odin 3480/proj/ folder.
Some things to do... 1. Remove these words/phrases from your page: the title of my project is focus on want to do I want if time permits possible maybe 2. Do not misspell words on your page. 3. Do not list computer graphics elements such as: lighting replace with specific type of lighting... multiple light sources 3-point lighting spot lights area lights directional lighting ambient occlusion global illumination radiosity etc. transformation translation rotation scaling replace with method of tranformation... OpenGL transformations 3x3 rotation matrix 4x4 transformation matrix animation replace with... real-time animation key-frame animation gif-animation circles replace with... points on a circle Bresenham's circle algorithm circular motion

What to turn in...
Gordon will find your web page.