CMPS-3480 - Computer Graphics

18 of 20 students responded to this survey. All students who responded can run OpenGL at home. So, we will begin learning OpenGL in week-6. Continue with lab-5 work on: • object definition • affine transformations • translation • rotation • scaling • object space vs screen space • physics using position, velocity, force
Get OpenGL working at home 1. Look at the laptop link on our main page. 2. Copy the opengl program files from Odin. located at /home/fac/gordon/p/3480/code/opengl/ 3. Build the program with make. Run the program. You may try to run this program from Odin. You should also try to run the program locally. 4. Create a text file on Odin: /3480/5/opengl.txt Tell me in your text file... • Is your computer a Mac, PC, other? • Do you have the opengl.cpp program running? • What do you see when you run the program? Also answer these questions please • Does the program work when logged into Odin? • Does the program work when running locally? • If your OpenGL does not work now, will you get it working?