CMPS-3480 Computer Graphics

Please create a text file on Odin named 3480/6/quiz6.txt

Answer the following questions

1. I have OpenGL working on

   A. My local computer
   B. Odin
   C. OpenGL does not work on my computer
   D. I don't know

2. Were you able to follow along and keep up with lab-6 during class?
   If not, why not?

3. Did your opengl.cpp program compile and run at the end of the
   Lab-6 class period?

4. What was your percent complete on the following assignments collected:

   lab1.cpp rotate selfie dog was _____% complete

   jello.cpp jello square was _____% complete

5. Write a C/C++ for-loop that will fill the following array
   with unique even numbers. Just 2 lines of code are needed.

   int arr[101];