Tuesday Nov 24, 2020 21:18 3480 Semester project discussion -------------------------------- Tuesday's lab was a class session to work on your semester project. Seven (7) students still have not started on their project. For these students, it's too late to get a good grade in the course. You can still possibly pass the course, if you do a project, complete it and the project contains significant Computer Graphics elements that require you to work hard, learn some new things, and lead to the goal that you presented as your project idea. Once again, as I have said many times, please start your project. Until you start your project I do not really know the direction you will take, and if the project will be adequate for this course. Until you start your project, I cannot help you. --------------------------------------- As you know, 1/3 of the midterm exam was just starting your project. Just showing an image rendered from your project program of choice. That was in week-10. This is now the end of week-14, and seven students still have not started to work on a semester project.