CMPS-3480 Computer Graphics
1. Log into Odin 2. Change to your /3480/8 folder. Copy the lab files now... cp /home/fac/gordon/p/3480/code/lab8/* . Compile and run the program: make ./lab8 Begin by pressing 1 then R.We will write code together. Follow along.
Follow along in class as we render the following scenes. 1. Eliminate random pixels. Draw all pixels. 2. Define 3 objects. 3. Each object will be a different distance from the camera. 4. Color the objects.1. Adjust the surface normal of each object. 2. Duplicate this image.
1. Render Saturn with its rings and stars. 2. Add a ring object to your ray tracer. 3. Stars are discs.
the code will give you this...//perspective //in check_keys case XK_p: g.perspective ^= 1; break; //in render if (!g.perspective) { ray.o.make(x, y, 1000000.0); ray.d.make(0.0, 0.0, -1.0); } else { ray.o.make(0, 0, 400.0); ray.d.make(x-0, y-0, -400.0); } //lighting //set color of object if (obj[k].checker == 1) { Flt x = (hit.x+10000.0) / 100.0; Flt z = (hit.z+10000.0) / 100.0; int a = (int)x % 2; int b = (int)z % 2; if (a == b) c[0]=0, c[1]=155, c[2]=255; else c[0]=0, c[1]=255, c[2]=0; } //vector to the light source Vec v; v.diff(g.light_pos, hit); v.normalize(); //are we in a shadow? int shadow = getShadow(hit, v); //surface normal, dot product Flt dot = v.dotProduct(obj[k].normal); //dot += 1.0; //dot /= 2.0; if (dot < 0.0) dot = 0.0; //mult diffuse light by the dot Vec diff(g.diffuse); diff.scale(dot); Vec strength; strength.add(g.ambient); if (!shadow) strength.add(diff); Vec col; col.x = c[0] / 255.0; col.y = c[1] / 255.0; col.z = c[2] / 255.0; col.mult(strength); x11.set_color_3i(col.x*255, col.y*255, col.z*255); //checker if (obj[k].checker == 1) { Flt x = (hit.x+10000.0) / 100.0; Flt z = (hit.z+10000.0) / 100.0; int a = (int)x % 2; int b = (int)z % 2; if (a == b) x11.set_color_3i(0,155,255); else x11.set_color_3i(0,255,0); } //vector class Vec(Flt a, Flt b, Flt c) { x = a; y = b; z = c; } Vec(const Vec &v) { x = v.x; y = v.y; z = v.z; } void add(Vec v) { x = x + v.x; y = y + v.y; z = z + v.z; } void mult(Vec v) { x *= v.x; y *= v.y; z *= v.z; } void scale(Flt a) { x *= a; y *= a; z *= a; } //new scene case XK_4: //two discs nobjects = 0; obj[nobjects].type = OBJ_TYPE_DISC; obj[nobjects].pos.make(0, 200, -300.0); obj[nobjects].normal.make(0.0, -1.0, 0.0); obj[nobjects].normal.normalize(); obj[nobjects].radius = 400.0; obj[nobjects].color[0] = 255; obj[nobjects].color[1] = 150; obj[nobjects].color[2] = 20; obj[nobjects].checker = 1; ++nobjects; obj[nobjects].type = OBJ_TYPE_DISC; obj[nobjects].pos.make(100, 200, -300.0); obj[nobjects].normal.make(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0); obj[nobjects].normal.normalize(); obj[nobjects].radius = 200.0; obj[nobjects].color[0] = 250; obj[nobjects].color[1] = 250; obj[nobjects].color[2] = 20; ++nobjects; obj[nobjects].type = OBJ_TYPE_DISC; obj[nobjects].pos.make(-100, 200, -300.0); obj[nobjects].normal.make(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0); obj[nobjects].normal.normalize(); obj[nobjects].radius = 200.0; obj[nobjects].color[0] = 250; obj[nobjects].color[1] = 250; obj[nobjects].color[2] = 20; ++nobjects; g.light_pos.make(-400, 80, 120); g.ambient.make(.2, .2, .2); g.diffuse.make(.8,.8,.8); break; //shadow function int getShadow(Vec h, Vec v) { Ray ray; ray.o.make(h.x,h.y,h.z); ray.d.make(v.x,v.y,v.z); //nudge ray forward just a little... ray.o.x += ray.d.x * 0.00001; ray.o.y += ray.d.y * 0.00001; ray.o.z += ray.d.z * 0.00001; for (int k=0; k<nobjects; k++) { if (obj[k].type == OBJ_TYPE_DISC) { Flt t; if (rayIntersectPlane( obj[k].normal, obj[k].pos, ray.o, ray.d, t)) { Vec hit; hit.x = ray.o.x + ray.d.x * t; hit.y = ray.o.y + ray.d.y * t; hit.z = ray.o.z + ray.d.z * t; Vec v; v.diff(hit, obj[k].pos); Flt dist = v.len(); if (dist <= obj[k].radius) { //yes, hit an object return 1; } } } } return 0; }
Your instructor will find your work out on Odin!