CMPS-3480 Computer Graphics
Semester Project
Elements of your project will be displayed on a web-page that you maintain. Your web page will be located on the Odin server. In your Odin account the page will be at: public_html/3480/index.html 1. Choose an idea for a computer graphics project. -------------------------------------------------- 2. Choose a lab program framework. ---------------------------------- Start with one of our lab assignments to build your project. You may use code from any of our assignments. 3. Give your project a title. ----------------------------- 4. Post an image that shows your goal ------------------------------------- You may find an image online. You may draw an image yourself. You may take a picture with your camera. 5. List the computer graphics elements that you will demonstrate. ----------------------------------------------------------------- If you need help, contact your instructor. No Yes ---------------- -------------------------------- a ball ray-traced sphere a ball sphere-shaped object a ball a multi-faceted spherical object a ball a spherical polygon mesh a ball a disc a ball a circle No Yes ---------------- -------------------------------- lighting diffuse and ambient light lighting multiple light sources lighting Lambertian diffuse lighting lighting Phong shading lighting Gouraud shading lighting an area light lighting ambient occlusion lighting flat lighting lighting a spot-light lighting directional lighting lighting a point-light lighting light attenuation No Yes ---------------- -------------------------------- shadows ray-trace shadows accurate shadows ray-trace shadows correct shadows ray-trace shadows correct shadows stencil shadows shadows soft shadows a shadow a drop shadow a shadow a projected shadow shadows stencil shadows shadows a shadow-map 6. Begin your project. ---------------------- Our projects began in lab-11. You must start your project. Post an image that comes from your project program. 7. Continue to work on your semester project. --------------------------------------------- Your project should require a significant amount of work. Your instructor will let you know if your project idea is too simple or too complex for this course. 8. Project is due at the beginning of week-16 --------------------------------------------- Due date: Monday December 6th