CMPS-3350 S-Eng

Build your course directories • Log in to Odin. • Go to your home directory. • Run the following script... /home/fac/gordon/p/3350/ To run the script you just enter the line above into your terminal. you can even copy and paste it in.
============================= NOTICE ============================= Assignments will not be accepted from a 3350 directory that has been setup improperly. This happens to many beginning or careless students. How to fix a bad 3350 directory... 1. Change to your home directory. cd 2. Rename your 3350 directory. mv 3350 x3350 3. Run the script that you see above. 4. Copy any files you want to save from your x3350 directory to your new 3350 directory. Use the cp command. 5. Delete the x3350 directory. rm -ri x3350