CMPS 2240 MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Assembly Language Statements

Four types
  • Assembler directives
  • Instructions from MIPS Instruction Set
  • Pseudo-Instructions and Macros
  • Comments

    Assembler Directives

    Define segments, allocate memory variables, etc. Non-executable: directives are not part of the instruction set

    .DATA directive

    Defines the data segment of a program containing data The program's variables should be defined under this directive Assembler will allocate and initialize the storage of variables

    .TEXT directive

    Defines the code segment of a program containing instructions

    .GLOBL directive

    Declares a symbol as global so can be referenced from other files; use this directive to declare main procedure of a program

    MIPS Instructions

    MIPS Assembly language instructions have the format:
        [label:]   mnemonic   [operands]    [#comment]   
    Label: (optional) Marks the address of a memory location, must have a colon; Typically appears in data and text segments

    Mnemonic Opcode

    Identifies the operation (e.g. add, sub, etc.)


    Specify the data required by the operation Operands can be registers, memory variables, or constants Most instructions have three operands
       L1:  addiu $t0, $t0, 1  #increment $t0 


    Single-line comment; Begins with a hash symbol # and terminates at end of line
      # Sample Program Template
      # Filename:
      # Author:  
      # Date:
      # Description:
      # Register Usage:
      ################# Data segment #####################
       . . .
      ################# Code segment #####################
      .globl main
      main:                   # main program entry
       . . .
      li $v0, 10             # Exit program

    Layout of a Program in Memory

    Data Definition Statement

    Sets aside storage in memory for a variable May optionally assign a name (label) to the data
        [name:]  directive  initializer  [, initializer]  . . .
      var1: .WORD    10
    All initializers become binary data in memory

    Data Directives

      .BYTE          # Stores values as 8-bit bytes
      .HALF          # Stores values as 16-bit values aligned on half-word boundary 
      .WORD          # stores values as 32-bit values aligned on word boundary
      .WORD w:n      # Stores values  32-bit value w into n consecutive words 
                     # aligned on a word boundary.
      .FLOAT         # Stores values as single-precision floating point
      .DOUBLE        # Stores values as double-precision floating point
      .ASCII         # Allocates a sequence of bytes for an ASCII string
      .ASCIIZ        # .ASCII directive but adds a NULL char at end of string
      .SPACE n       # Allocates space of n uninitialized bytes in the data segment
      .ALIGN n       # Aligns the next data definition on a 2n byte boundary
    Strings are null-terminated, as in C Special characters: Newline: \n Tab:\t

    Memory Alignment

    Memory is byte addressable and viewed as a contiguous array of bytes with addresses; Byte Addressing: address points to a byte in memory; Words occupy 4 consecutive bytes in memory

    MIPS instructions and integers occupy 4 bytes (a word)

    Alignment means the address is a multiple of the size; e.g., Word address should be a multiple of 4 (Least significant 2 bits of a word aligned address should be 00); Halfword address should be a multiple of 2

    Symbol Table

    Assembler builds a symbol table for labels (variables) Assembler computes the address of each label in data segment
      Example  Symbol Table
        var1:  .BYTE   1, 2,'Z'
        str1:  .ASCIIZ "My String\n"
        var2:  .WORD   0x12345678
        .ALIGN  3
        var3:  .HALF   1000

    Byte Ordering and Endianness

    Processors can order bytes within a word in two ways:

    1) Little Endian Byte Ordering where memory address is the address of least significant byte. Example: Intel IA-32, Alpha

    2) Big Endian Byte Ordering where memory address is the address of most significant byte. Example: SPARC, PA-RISC

    MIPS can operate with both byte orderings

    System Calls

    Programs do input/output through system calls

    MIPS provides a special syscall instruction to obtain services from the operating system

    Services are provided in SPIM using the syscall system services

    Load the service number in register $v0

    Load argument values, if any, in registers $a0, $a1, etc.

    Issue the syscall instruction

    Retrieve return values, if any, from result registers

      # Reading and Printing an Integer
      ################# Code segment #####################
      .globl main
      main:    # main program entry
        li  $v0, 5     # Read integer
        syscall        # $v0 = value read
        move  $a0, $v0 # $a0 = value to print
        li  $v0, 1     # Print integer
        li  $v0, 10    # Exit program
      # Reading and Printing a String
      ################# Data segment #####################
        str: .space  10  # array of 10 bytes
      ################# Code segment #####################
      .globl main
      main:    # main program entry
        la  $a0, str  # $a0 = address of str
        li  $a1, 10   # $a1 = max string length
        li  $v0, 8    # read string
        li  $v0, 4    # Print string str 
        li  $v0, 10   # Exit program
      # Summing three integers
      # Objective: Computes the sum of three integers. 
      #     Input: Requests three numbers.
      #    Output: Outputs the sum.
      ################### Data segment ###################
      prompt:  .asciiz     "Please enter three numbers: \n"
      sum_msg:  .asciiz     "The sum is: "
      ################### Code segment ###################
      .globl main
            la    $a0,prompt  # display prompt string
            li    $v0,4
            li    $v0,5       # read 1st integer into $t0
            move  $t0,$v0
            li    $v0,5       # read 2nd integer into $t1
            move  $t1,$v0
            li    $v0,5       # read 3rd integer into $t2
            move  $t2,$v0
            addu  $t0,$t0,$t1  # accumulate the sum  
            addu  $t0,$t0,$t2
            la    $a0,sum_msg  # write sum message
            li    $v0,4
            move  $a0,$t0      # output sum
            li    $v0,1
            li    $v0,10       # exit
      # Objective: Convert lowercase letters to uppercase
      #     Input: Requests a character string from the user.
      #    Output: Prints the input string in uppercase.
      ################### Data segment #####################
      name_prompt:  .asciiz  "Please type your name: "
      out_msg:  .asciiz  "Your name in capitals is: "
      in_name:  .space 31  # space for input string
      ################### Code segment #####################
      .globl main
            la    $a0,name_prompt  # print prompt string
            li    $v0,4
           la    $a0,in_name       # read the input string
            li    $a1,31           # at most 30 chars + 1 null char
            li    $v0,8
            la    $a0,out_msg      # write output message
            li    $v0,4
            la    $t0,in_name
            lb    $t1,($t0)
            beqz  $t1,exit_loop    # if NULL, we are done
            blt   $t1,'a',no_change
            bgt   $t1,'z',no_change
            addiu $t1,$t1,-32      # convert to uppercase: 'A'-'a'=-32       
           sb    $t1,($t0)
            addiu $t0,$t0,1        # increment pointer 
            j     loop
            la    $a0,in_name      # output converted string
            li    $v0,4
            li    $v0,10           # exit

    Procedure Calls Using JAL and JR

    Consider a simple procedure
    In assembly you must:
  • Pass address of array a and 10 as arguments
  • Call the procedure swap saving return address $ra
  • Execute procedure swap
  • Return control to the point of origin (return address)
      Address  MIPS Instruction    Assembly Language
      00400020  lui $1, 0x1001     la   $a0, a
      00400024  ori $4, $1, 0
      00400028  ori $5, $0, 10     li   $a1,10
      0040002C  jal 0x10000f       jal  swap
      00400030  . . .  # return here
      0040003C   sll $8, $5, 2      sll $t0,$a1,2
      00400040   add $8, $8, $4     add $t0,$t0,$a0
      00400044   lw  $9, 0($8)      lw  $t1,0($t0)
      00400048   lw  $10,4($8)      lw  $t2,4($t0)
      0040004C   sw  $10,0($8)      sw  $t2,0($t0)
      00400050   sw  $9, 4($8)      sw  $t1,4($t0)
      00400054   jr  $31            jr  $ra

    Parameter Passing Conventions

    Parameter passing is complicated in Assembly since you DO EVERYTHING!

  • Place all required parameters in an accessible storage area then call the procedure
  • Two types of storage areas used Registers and Memory (stack frame)

  • Two common mechanisms of parameter passing Pass-by-value: parameter value is passed Pass-by-reference: address of parameter is passed

  • By convention $a0 - $a3 registers are used for passing args

  • By convention $v0 - $v1 are used for result values

  • Additional arguments/results can be placed on the stack; stack must be used when data cannot fit in registers

  • Save and restore registers across procedure calls stack is implemented by convention: The stack pointer $sp = $29 (points to top of stack) and The frame pointer $fp = $30 (points to a procedure frame)

  • Stack frame (aka activation frame or activation record) contains Saved arguments, registers, and local data (if any)
  • Frames are pushed and popped by adjusting Stack pointer $sp = $29 and Frame pointer $fp = $30 Decrement $sp to allocate stack frame, and increment to free

    Preserving Registers

  • To preserve registers across a procedure call the stack must be used
  • Registers modified by the called procedure and Still used by the calling procedure MUST BE SAVED!

    Caller-saved vs. Callee-saved registers

    Callee-saved means registers are saved in the called procedure (the callee) upon entry and restored before exit; this is the safest method

    By convention, registers $s0, $s1, ... , $s7 should be preserved by callee

    registers $sp, $fp, and $ra should also be preserved

    Caller-saved means registers are saved by the caller in the caller's stack frame before making a procedure call

    By convention, registers $t0, ... $t9 should be preserved by callee

      #  Selection Sort Procedure
      #  Objective: Sort array using selection sort algorithm
      #     Input: $a0 = pointer to first, $a1 = pointer to last
      #    Output: array is sorted in place
      sort:  addiu  $sp, $sp, -4  # allocate one word on stack
        sw  $ra, 0($sp)  # save return address on stack
      top:  jal  max  # call max procedure
        lw  $t0, 0($a1)  # $t0 = last value
        sw  $t0, 0($v0)  # swap last and max values
        sw  $v1, 0($a1)
        addiu  $a1, $a1, -4  # decrement pointer to last
        bne  $a0, $a1, top  # more elements to sort
        lw  $ra, 0($sp)  # pop return address
        addiu  $sp, $sp, 4
        jr  $ra          # return to caller
      # Max Procedure
      # Objective: Find the address and value of maximum element
      #     Input: $a0 = pointer to first, $a1 = pointer to last
      #    Output: $v0 = pointer to max,   $v1 = value of max
      max:  move  $v0, $a0       # max pointer = first pointer
        lw  $v1, 0($v0)          # $v1 = first value
        beq  $a0, $a1, ret       # if (first == last) return
        move  $t0, $a0           # $t0 = array pointer
      loop:  addi  $t0, $t0, 4   # point to next array element
        lw  $t1, 0($t0)          # $t1 = value of A[i]
        ble  $t1, $v1, skip      # if (A[i] <= max) then skip
        move  $v0, $t0           # found new maximum
        move  $v1, $t1
      skip:  bne  $t0, $a1, loop # loop back if more elements
      ret:  jr  $ra  

    Example of a Factorial Recursive Procedure

      int fact(int n) 
      { if (n<2) return 1; 
         else return (n*fact(n-1)); 
      fact:  slti  $t0,$a0,2    # (n<2)?
        beq  $t0,$0,else        # if false branch to else
        li  $v0,1               # $v0 = 1
        jr  $ra                 # return to caller
      else:  addiu  $sp,$sp,-8  # allocate 2 words on stack
        sw  $a0,4($sp)          # save argument n
        sw  $ra,0($sp)          # save return address
        addiu  $a0,$a0,-1       # argument = n-1
        jal  fact               # call fact(n-1)
        lw  $a0,4($sp)          # restore argument
        lw  $ra,0($sp)          # restore return address
        mul  $v0,$a0,$v0        # $v0 = n*fact(n-1)
        addi  $sp,$sp,8         # free stack frame
        jr  $ra                 # return to caller