CMPS-3350 Software Engineering
Week-8 exercise (feedback)
Feedback on your week8.txt files.
Many student did not put their name in the week8.txt file. As I read through
them, it's difficult to know who's document I'm reading. Why do you resist so
strongly adding your own name to the top of an assignment file?
Some features listed are adequate for this course. Many are not adequate, or I
simply do not understand your description of it. You must choose to do at least
one feature in your game that requires some real coding that you write yourself.
The code must be complex enough to require some testing by a programmer. If I
did not understand your feature-mode description, then it is inadequate.
Feature-mode choices that are not acceptable:
1. another help screen
2. a power-up
3. adding more buttons
4. changing the filename of a texture map
5. features that update the value of a variable
The following students have potential for a good "feature mode" in their game:
Anh, Aldair, Jorge, Jarl, Darien, Raul, Juan, Rodolpho, Yeana
Possibly acceptable feature-modes:
Jesus, Dominic, Taylor, Cecilio, Delaney, Spencer
If your name is not listed, then go back and re-work your idea. Be more clear.
Accept the fact that you must write some complex code and a lot of code.