3350 - Homework Assignment


Debug the uvlab3.cpp program.

1. Run your uvlab3 program with the following arguments

   ./uvlab3 sleipnir.cs.csub.edu robots.txt

2. You should see this error message:

   Can't resolve host with inet_ntop: No space left on device

   This error is caused by a program bug.

3. Debug the program.

   We discussed in class a way to start debugging the program.
   Use a search engine.
   Look at the source code.
   The fix is simple, if you know what to do.

Running the program should give this output...

./uvlab3 sleipnir.cs.csub.edu robots.txt
IP is
Query is:
GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.0
Host: sleipnir.cs.csub.edu
User-Agent: HTMLGET 1.0

User-agent: ConveraCrawler
Disallow: /

User-agent: *
Disallow: /~steve/sci350b/
Disallow: /~donna/
Disallow: /Alumni/formprocalumni.php
Disallow: /Alumni/formprocalumni2.php