CMPS-3350 Lab-12 - program debugging

Overview... Start with your 3350/3/httpget.c program. Copy the program to your Odin c folder as: 3350/c/uvlab12.c This program has a bug reported by a large customer of your company. Your job is to fix the bug. The customer said to run the program like this...
$ ./a.out robots.txt Can't resolve host with inet_ntop: No space left on device
Below, you will document how you used the four steps of debugging a program. If you have not solved the bug, then start at step-1, and solve the bug.
Assignment... Create a PDF file documenting the debugging steps you used. Name your final document: 3350/c/lab12.pdf This is a report you might present to your supervisor at work. Go through these steps: step-1: Show program input. Show program output. Show the replication of an error. Is the error message always the same? Do you have multiple examples of input causing an error? step-2: Locating the code containing the bug. How did you do this? Did you find online documentation? How did you find it? Who wrote the online help you used? step-3: Fixing the code. How did you know what to fix? Did you make multiple fixes? Did you have unsuccessful attempts at fixing the code? Is there more than one way to fix the code? Did you experiment? Did you leave the old code in-place. How did you document the code fix? step-4: How did you test the new code? How many tests did you run? Did you test against multiple inputs causing errors? Did you implement some automated unit testing? Show examples of input used to test the program. Will this program work now to contact all web servers? How confident are you? What are other problems this program may encounter in the future? 4. Your PDF should contain some brief narratives along with some images documenting errors, code fixes, test methods, etc.