CMPS-3350 Software Engineering

Step 1:
Work with an Aerospace Engineering simulation.

1. Log on to Odin server.
2. Change to your 3350/2 folder.
3. Get the programs:

   cp /home/fac/gordon/p/3350/code/lander/* .

4. Build and run.

5. Make the rocket booster land on the pad.

stock screen shot of simulation

improved simulation

Required improvements:
 1. Make the rocket stop on the pad when landed.
 2. Add a test-mode to the program.
 3. Make a second executable from same source code.

Possible improvements:
 1. add some sky color gradient
 2. add an horizon
 3. add stars or clouds
 4. change look of exhaust
 5. show explosion if crashed
 6. don't let the exhaust go through the pad or ground
 7. make the rocket self-guided