CMPS-3350 Software Engineering - Lab-4

Part-1 Work with your group members... Create your requirements document (project proposal). ---------------------------------------------------- See the samples on the teams page. Name your proposal document: teamN.pdf where N is your group number. One group member will put the document in their Odin 3350/4 folder.
Part-2 Choose a C++ framework to use as your starting point. ---------------------------------------------------- View and run the framework programs at: /home/fac/gordon/p/3350/code/frameworks/... Choose one to put in a github repo. You can change your mind later. Gordon will demonstrate frameworks and past student games.
Part-3 Choose a github URL to store your project. ----------------------------------------- Give the URL to Gordon. You may put your URL in a text file in 3350/4 folder. Name the file: githubN.txt where N is your team number. Each member should clone the repository to see that it works. Make each group member a contributor. This will allow them to push updates. Your instructor will clone your repository, and run your framework on the big-screen.