CMPS-3350 Software Engineering  Lab-5

Step-1 In this lab session, you will establish your individual source file and write some code in it. Gordon will give a demonstration of how to setup a test mode. Follow along in a framework program, or in your project files. The description below outlines choosing and building a feature mode for doing some of your own work in the project. Not allowed in your group project: 1. GLUT 2. SDL 3. GLFW 4. SFML 5. Unity 6. GoDot 7. other non-approved APIs or libraries Not allowed in your individual source file: 1. main() 2. unused #include files 3. code copied from the main framework 4. code that someone else wrote Work with your group members... 1. Choose a feature of your game. 2. Choose a key-press or other action, to activate your feature-mode. • The look of the screen will indicate your feature-mode. • Choose a game feature that does not work yet. • Use your feature-mode to write and test your code. If your feature-mode is complete, then your feature is too simple. Choose another. A feature must have: • the need for new code in your individual file • complexity • a need for testing • code elements such as · conditional statements · looping · arrays · math · function calls · new functions