CMPS-3350 Lab-9 - Game statistics

Individual source file work! Each group member will choose one of the statistics below. Statistics 1. How long has the game been running? 2. How long has it been since a key was pressed? 3. How long has it been since the mouse was moved? 4. How many times has your physics function been called? 5. How many times has the render function been called? 6. How far has the mouse moved, in pixels? The statistic will be calculated in a function in your individual file. count accumulation time difference time accumulation distance calculation and accumulation etc. The variables that hold the accumulated or calculated values must be defined inside the student's individual source file. Only function calls can be made from the main framework to accumulate values. No statistics will be calculated in the main framework file. Press the 'S' key to display your real-time statistics. You may choose another statistic, if you can get it approved by Gordon. Average time between mouse clicks. Average time between key presses. etc. Here is what your statistics window might look like... Each student will write their own code. Members of a group may implement pair-programming. Gordon will show one of the statistic functions in gordon.cpp file.